enum VoiceOpcodesimport { VoiceOpcodes } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@17.2.0/plugins/validations/deps.ts"; https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/opcodes-and-status-codes#voice MembersClientDisconnect = 13A client has disconnected from the voice channel HeartbeatKeep the websocket connection alive. HeartbeatACKSent to acknowledge a received client heartbeat. HelloTime to wait between sending heartbeats in milliseconds. IdentifyBegin a voice websocket connection. ReadyComplete the websocket handshake. ResumeResume a connection. ResumedAcknowledge a successful session resume. SelectProtocolSelect the voice protocol. SessionDescriptionDescribe the session. SpeakingIndicate which users are speaking.