interface DiscordInviteCreateimport { type DiscordInviteCreate } from ""; Propertieschannel_id: stringThe channel the invite is for code: stringThe unique invite code created_at: stringThe time at which the invite was created optionalguild_id: stringThe guild of the invite optionalinviter: DiscordUserThe user that created the invite max_age: numberHow long the invite is valid for (in seconds) max_uses: numberThe maximum number of times the invite can be used target_type: TargetTypesThe type of target for this voice channel invite optionaltarget_user: DiscordUserThe target user for this invite optionaltarget_application: Partial<DiscordApplication>The embedded application to open for this voice channel embedded application invite temporary: booleanWhether or not the invite is temporary (invited users will be kicked on disconnect unless they're assigned a role) uses: numberHow many times the invite has been used (always will be 0) import DiscordInviteCreateimport { DiscordInviteCreate } from "";