enum ShardStateimport { ShardState } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@17.2.0/plugins/validations/deps.ts"; MembersConnected = 0Shard is fully connected to the gateway and receiving events from Discord. Connecting = 1Shard started to connect to the gateway. This is only used if the shard is not currently trying to identify or resume. Disconnected = 2Shard got disconnected and reconnection actions have been started. Identifying = 4Shard is trying to identify with the gateway to create a new session. Offline = 6Shard got shut down studied or due to a not (self) fixable error and may not attempt to reconnect on its own. Resuming = 5Shard is trying to resume a session with the gateway. Unidentified = 3The shard is connected to the gateway but only heartbeating. At this state the shard has not been identified with discord. import ShardStateimport { ShardState } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@17.2.0/plugins/validations/deps.ts";