interface DiscordComponentimport { type DiscordComponent } from ""; Propertiestype: MessageComponentTypescomponent type optionalcustom_id: stringa developer-defined identifier for the component, max 100 characters optionaldisabled: booleanwhether the component is disabled, default false optionalstyle: ButtonStyles | TextStylesFor different styles/colors of the buttons optionallabel: stringtext that appears on the button (max 80 characters) optionalvalue: stringthe dev-define value of the option, max 100 characters for select or 4000 for input. optionalemoji: { id?: string; name?: string; animated?: boolean; }Emoji object that includes fields of name, id, and animated supporting unicode and custom emojis. optionalurl: stringoptional url for link-style buttons that can navigate a user to the web. Only type 5 Link buttons can have a url optionaloptions: DiscordSelectOption[]The choices! Maximum of 25 items. optionalplaceholder: stringA custom placeholder text if nothing is selected. Maximum 150 characters. optionalmin_values: numberThe minimum number of items that must be selected. Default 1. Between 1-25. optionalmax_values: numberThe maximum number of items that can be selected. Default 1. Between 1-25. optionalmin_length: numberThe minimum input length for a text input. Between 0-4000. optionalmax_length: numberThe maximum input length for a text input. Between 1-4000. optionalcomponents: DiscordComponent[]a list of child components optionalrequired: booleanwhether this component is required to be filled, default true import DiscordComponentimport { DiscordComponent } from "";