interface CreateAutoModerationRuleOptions implements WithReasonimport { type CreateAutoModerationRuleOptions } from ""; Propertiesname: stringThe name of the rule. eventType: AutoModerationEventTypesThe type of event to trigger the rule on. triggerType: AutoModerationTriggerTypesThe type of trigger to use for the rule. triggerMetadata: { keywordFilter?: string[]; presets?: DiscordAutoModerationRuleTriggerMetadataPresets[]; allowList?: string[]; mentionTotalLimit?: number; }The metadata to use for the trigger. actions: { type: AutoModerationActionType; metadata?: { channelId?: BigString; durationSeconds?: number; }; }[]The actions that will trigger for this rule optionalenabled: booleanWhether the rule should be enabled, true by default. optionalexemptRoles: BigString[]The role ids that should not be effected by the rule optionalexemptChannels: BigString[]The channel ids that should not be effected by the rule.