enum GatewayOpcodesimport { GatewayOpcodes } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@17.2.0/plugins/validations/deps.ts"; https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/opcodes-and-status-codes#gateway-gateway-opcodes MembersDispatchAn event was dispatched. HeartbeatFired periodically by the client to keep the connection alive. HeartbeatACKSent in response to receiving a heartbeat to acknowledge that it has been received. HelloSent immediately after connecting, contains the heartbeat_interval to use. IdentifyStarts a new session during the initial handshake. InvalidSessionThe session has been invalidated. You should reconnect and identify/resume accordingly. PresenceUpdateUpdate the client's presence. ReconnectYou should attempt to reconnect and resume immediately. RequestGuildMembersRequest information about offline guild members in a large guild. Resume = 6Resume a previous session that was disconnected. VoiceStateUpdateUsed to join/leave or move between voice channels. import GatewayOpcodesimport { GatewayOpcodes } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@17.2.0/plugins/validations/deps.ts";