interface CreateGuildimport { type CreateGuild } from ""; Propertiesname: stringName of the guild (1-100 characters) optionalicon: stringBase64 128x128 image for the guild icon optionalverificationLevel: VerificationLevelsVerification level optionaldefaultMessageNotifications: DefaultMessageNotificationLevelsDefault message notification level optionalexplicitContentFilter: ExplicitContentFilterLevelsExplicit content filter level optionalroles: Role[]New guild roles (first role is the everyone role) optionalchannels: Partial<Channel>[]New guild's channels optionalafkChannelId: stringId for afk channel optionalafkTimeout: numberAfk timeout in seconds optionalsystemChannelId: stringThe id of the channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted optionalsystemChannelFlags: SystemChannelFlagsSystem channel flags