interface CreateShardManagerimport { type CreateShardManager } from ""; PropertiesoptionalcreateShardOptions: Omit<CreateShard, | "id" | "totalShards" | "requestIdentify" | "gatewayConfig">Options which are used to create a new Shard. gatewayConfig: PickPartial<ShardGatewayConfig, "token">Gateway configuration which is used when creating a Shard. shardIds: number[]Ids of the Shards which should be managed. totalShards: numberTotal amount of Shard used by the bot. MethodshandleMessage(shard: Shard, message: DiscordGatewayPayload): unknownThis function is used when a shard receives any message from Discord. requestIdentify(shardId: number): Promise<void>This function communicates with the parent manager, in order to know whether this manager is allowed to identify a new shard. # import CreateShardManagerimport { CreateShardManager } from "";