interface DiscordInviteimport { type DiscordInvite } from ""; Propertiescode: stringThe invite code (unique Id) optionalguild: Partial<DiscordGuild>The guild this invite is for channel: Partial<DiscordChannel> | nullThe channel this invite is for optionalinviter: DiscordUserThe user who created the invite optionaltarget_type: TargetTypesThe type of target for this voice channel invite optionaltarget_user: DiscordUserThe target user for this invite optionaltarget_application: Partial<DiscordApplication>The embedded application to open for this voice channel embedded application invite optionalapproximate_presence_count: numberApproximate count of online members (only present when target_user is set) optionalapproximate_member_count: numberApproximate count of total members optionalexpires_at: string | nullThe expiration date of this invite, returned from the GET /invites/<code> endpoint when with_expiration is true optionalstage_instance: DiscordInviteStageInstanceStage instance data if there is a public Stage instance in the Stage channel this invite is for optionalguild_scheduled_event: DiscordScheduledEventguild scheduled event data import DiscordInviteimport { DiscordInvite } from "";