enum RpcErrorCodesimport { RpcErrorCodes } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@18.0.1/plugins/helpers/deps.ts"; https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/opcodes-and-status-codes#rpc MembersCaptureShortcutAlreadyListeningYou tried to capture more than one shortcut key at once. GetGuildTimedOutAn asynchronous GET_GUILD command timed out. InvalidChannelInvalid channel ID specified. InvalidClientIdAn invalid OAuth2 application ID was used to authorize or authenticate with. InvalidCommand = 4002Invalid command name specified. InvalidEventInvalid event name specified. InvalidGuildInvalid guild ID specified. InvalidOriginAn invalid OAuth2 application origin was used to authorize or authenticate with. InvalidPayload = 4000You sent an invalid payload. InvalidPermissionsYou lack permissions to access the given resource. InvalidTokenAn invalid OAuth2 token was used to authorize or authenticate with. InvalidUserThe specified user ID was invalid. OAuth2Error = 5000A standard OAuth2 error occurred; check the data object for the OAuth2 error details. SelectChannelTimedOutAn asynchronous SELECT_TEXT_CHANNEL/SELECT_VOICE_CHANNEL command timed out. SelectVoiceForceRequiredYou tried to join a user to a voice channel but the user was already in one. UnknownError = 1000An unknown error occurred.