interface DiscordUserimport { type DiscordUser } from ""; Propertiesusername: stringThe user's username, not unique across the platform optionallocale: stringThe user's chosen language option optionalflags: UserFlagsThe flags on a user's account optionalpremium_type: PremiumTypesThe type of Nitro subscription on a user's account optionalpublic_flags: UserFlagsThe public flags on a user's account optionalaccent_color: numberthe user's banner color encoded as an integer representation of hexadecimal color code id: stringThe user's id discriminator: stringThe user's 4-digit discord-tag avatar: string | nullThe user's avatar hash optionalbot: booleanWhether the user belongs to an OAuth2 application optionalsystem: booleanWhether the user is an Official Discord System user (part of the urgent message system) optionalmfa_enabled: booleanWhether the user has two factor enabled on their account optionalverified: booleanWhether the email on this account has been verified optionalemail: string | nullThe user's email optionalbanner: stringthe user's banner, or null if unset import DiscordUserimport { DiscordUser } from "";