interface InteractionCallbackDataimport { type InteractionCallbackData } from ""; Propertiesoptionalcontent: stringThe message contents (up to 2000 characters) optionaltts: booleanTrue if this is a TTS message optionalembeds: Embed[]Embedded rich content (up to 6000 characters) optionalallowedMentions: AllowedMentionsAllowed mentions for the message optionalfile: FileContent | FileContent[]The contents of the file being sent optionalcustomId: stringThe customId you want to use for this modal response. optionaltitle: stringThe title you want to use for this modal response. optionalcomponents: MessageComponentsThe components you would like to have sent in this message optionalflags: numberMessage flags combined as a bit field (only SUPPRESS_EMBEDS and EPHEMERAL can be set) optionalchoices: ApplicationCommandOptionChoice[]Autocomplete choices (max of 25 choices) import InteractionCallbackDataimport { InteractionCallbackData } from "";