Zod SemVer

JSR NPM Version

A simple deno module by @codemonument with a zod schema for validating semver. Uses official regex.

[!WARNING] Not published to deno.land/x/zod_semver anymore! Use the jsr package instead:


Import in Deno

deno add @codemonument/zod-semver
import {ZodSemver} from '@codemonument/zod-semver';

Import in Node

npm add @codemonument/zod-semver
import {ZodSemver} from 'zod-semver';

Usage after Import

// Use like any other Zod Schema:

// Or include in another Zod Schema like this:

const MyObjectSchema = z.object({
    version: ZodSemver,
    name: z.string(),
    age: z.number().optional(),

Using the branded ZodSemver type

At it’s base, the ZodSemver type is simply a more refined string. So the TS type for it is string. However, sometimes it might be useful for a function to make sure that it only receives an already parsed semver string. This is possible via the branded ZodSemver type.

‘branded’ means that the type is a string, but with a special property atached that makes it unique. See the zod docs for more information: https://zod.dev/?id=brand

Name Target
Git Repo https://github.com/codemonument/deno_zod_semver
JSR https://jsr.io/@codemonument/zod-semver/
NPM https://www.npmjs.com/package/zod-semver

Create new version of this package (for maintainers)

  1. Update CHANGELOG.md with your changes
  2. Run deno task uv <newVersion>
  3. Run deno task test
  4. Commit changes & add git tag for your version
  5. Push changes & tags => github actions will deploy