Zod SemVer

JSR NPM Version

A simple deno module by @codemonument with a zod schema for validating semver. Uses official regex.

[!WARNING] Not published to deno.land/x/zod_semver anymore! Use the jsr package instead:


Import in Deno

deno add @codemonument/zod-semver
import {ZodSemver} from '@codemonument/zod-semver';

Import in Node

npm add @codemonument/zod-semver
import {ZodSemver} from 'zod-semver';

Usage after Import

// Use like any other Zod Schema:

// Or include in another Zod Schema like this:

const MyObjectSchema = z.object({
    version: ZodSemver,
    name: z.string(),
    age: z.number().optional(),

Using the branded ZodSemver type

At it’s base, the ZodSemver type is simply a more refined string. So the TS type for it is string. However, sometimes it might be useful for a function to make sure that it only receives an already parsed semver string. This is possible via the branded ZodSemver type.

‘branded’ means that the type is a string, but with a special property atached that makes it unique. See the zod docs for more information: https://zod.dev/?id=brand

Name Target
Git Repo https://github.com/codemonument/deno_zod_semver
JSR https://jsr.io/@codemonument/zod-semver/
NPM https://www.npmjs.com/package/zod-semver

Create new version of this package (for maintainers)

  1. Update version property in deno.jsonc
  2. Update version passed to deno task build
  3. Update CHANGELOG.md with your changes
  4. Run deno task test
  5. Run deno task build
  6. Commit changes
  7. Run deno task publish-dry & check output
  8. Run deno task publish
  9. Add git tag for your version