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type alias Entry
import { type Entry } from "";

Many collections have an entries method which returns an array of a given object's own enumerable string-keyed property [key, value] pairs. The Entry type will return the type of that collection's entry.

For example the Object, Map, Array, and Set collections all have this method. Note that WeakMap and WeakSet do not have this method since their entries are not enumerable.


Example 1

import type {Entry} from 'type-fest';

interface Example {
	someKey: number;

const manipulatesEntry = (example: Entry<Example>) => [
	// Does some arbitrary processing on the key (with type information available)

	// Does some arbitrary processing on the value (with type information available)

const example: Example = {someKey: 1};
const entry = Object.entries(example)[0] as Entry<Example>;
const output = manipulatesEntry(entry);

// Objects
const objectExample = {a: 1};
const objectEntry: Entry<typeof objectExample> = ['a', 1];

// Arrays
const arrayExample = ['a', 1];
const arrayEntryString: Entry<typeof arrayExample> = [0, 'a'];
const arrayEntryNumber: Entry<typeof arrayExample> = [1, 1];

// Maps
const mapExample = new Map([['a', 1]]);
const mapEntry: Entry<typeof mapExample> = ['a', 1];

// Sets
const setExample = new Set(['a', 1]);
const setEntryString: Entry<typeof setExample> = ['a', 'a'];
const setEntryNumber: Entry<typeof setExample> = [1, 1];
definition: BaseType extends Map<unknown, unknown> ? MapEntry<BaseType> : BaseType extends Set<unknown> ? SetEntry<BaseType> : BaseType extends readonly unknown[] ? ArrayEntry<BaseType> : BaseType extends object ? ObjectEntry<BaseType> : never