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import * as mod from "";


A class to create a tar archive

A class to extract a tar archive


Get log level numeric values through enum constants


Make an assertion, error will be thrown if expr does not have truthy value.

Copies from src to dst until either EOF (null) is read from src or an error occurs. It resolves to the number of bytes copied or rejects with the first error encountered while copying.

Deep equality comparison used in assertions

Convert a glob string to a regular expression.

Test whether the given string is a glob

Turns a Reader, r, into an async iterator.

Take a set of command line arguments, optionally with a set of options, and return an object representing the flags found in the passed arguments.

Create a ReadableStream from any kind of iterable.

Create a ReadableStream<Uint8Array> from from a Deno.Reader.

Create a Deno.Reader from an iterable of Uint8Arrays.

Create a Reader from a ReadableStreamDefaultReader.

Read strings line-by-line from a Reader.

Type Aliases

Union of valid log level strings