

A lightweight but powerful S3 client for Deno
import { parse as parseXML } from "./xml-parser.ts";
/** * Base class for all errors raised by this S3 client. */export class DenoS3LiteClientError extends Error { constructor(message: string) { super(message); }}
/** * An argument or configuration parameter was invalid. */export class InvalidArgumentError extends DenoS3LiteClientError {}
/** * InvalidEndpointError is generated when an invalid end point value is * provided which does not follow domain standards. */export class InvalidEndpointError extends DenoS3LiteClientError {}
/** * InvalidBucketNameError is generated when an invalid bucket name is * provided which does not follow AWS S3 specifications. * */export class InvalidBucketNameError extends DenoS3LiteClientError {}
/** * InvalidObjectNameError is generated when an invalid object name is * provided which does not follow AWS S3 specifications. * */export class InvalidObjectNameError extends DenoS3LiteClientError {}
/** The request cannot be made without an access key to authenticate it */export class AccessKeyRequiredError extends DenoS3LiteClientError {}
/** The request cannot be made without a secret key to authenticate it */export class SecretKeyRequiredError extends DenoS3LiteClientError {}
/** The expiration time for the request is invalid */export class InvalidExpiryError extends DenoS3LiteClientError {}
/** Any error thrown by the server */export class ServerError extends DenoS3LiteClientError { readonly statusCode: number; readonly code: string; readonly key: string | undefined; readonly bucketName: string | undefined; readonly resource: string | undefined; readonly region: string | undefined;
constructor( statusCode: number, code: string, message: string, otherData: { key?: string; bucketName?: string; resource?: string; region?: string } = {}, ) { super(message); this.statusCode = statusCode; this.code = code; this.key = otherData.key; this.bucketName = otherData.bucketName; this.resource = otherData.resource; this.region = otherData.region; }}
export async function parseServerError(response: Response): Promise<ServerError> { try { const xmlParsed = parseXML(await response.text()); const errorRoot = xmlParsed.root; if (errorRoot?.name !== "Error") { throw new Error("Invalid root, expected <Error>"); } const code = errorRoot.children.find((c) => === "Code")?.content ?? "UnknownErrorCode"; const message = errorRoot.children.find((c) => === "Message")?.content ?? "The error message could not be determined."; const key = errorRoot.children.find((c) => === "Key")?.content; const bucketName = errorRoot.children.find((c) => === "BucketName")?.content; const resource = errorRoot.children.find((c) => === "Resource")?.content; // e.g. the object key const region = errorRoot.children.find((c) => === "Region")?.content; return new ServerError(response.status, code, message, { key, bucketName, resource, region }); } catch { return new ServerError( response.status, "UnrecognizedError", `Error: Unexpected response code ${response.status} ${response.statusText}. Unable to parse response as XML.`, ); }}