

A lightweight but powerful S3 client for Deno
/** * Basic XML parser for Deno * * By Hayato Koriyama, MIT licensed * Based on (MIT licensed) * "Simple non-compiant XML parser because we just need to parse some basic responses" */
interface Document { declaration: { attributes: Record<string, string>; }; root: { name: string; attributes: Record<string, string>; children: Xml[]; } | undefined;}
interface Xml { name: string; attributes: Record<string, string>; content?: string; children: Xml[];}
/** * Parse the given string of `xml`. * * @param {String} xml * @return {Object} * @api public */export function parse(xml: string): Document { xml = xml.trim();
// strip comments xml = xml.replace(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g, "");
return document();
/** * XML document. */ function document(): Document { return { declaration: declaration(), root: tag(), }; }
/** * Declaration. */ function declaration() { const m = match(/^<\?xml\s*/); if (!m) return;
// tag. // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const node: any = { attributes: {}, };
// attributes while (!(eos() || is("?>"))) { const attr = attribute(); if (!attr) return node; node.attributes[] = attr.value; }
return node; }
/** * Tag. */ function tag() { const m = match(/^<([\w-:.]+)\s*/); if (!m) return;
// name const node: Xml = { name: m[1], attributes: {}, children: [], };
// attributes while (!(eos() || is(">") || is("?>") || is("/>"))) { const attr = attribute(); if (!attr) return node; node.attributes[] = attr.value; }
// self closing tag if (match(/^\s*\/>\s*/)) { return node; }
// content node.content = content();
// children let child; while ((child = tag())) { node.children.push(child); }
// closing match(/^<\/[\w-:.]+>\s*/);
return node; }
/** * Text content. */ function content() { const m = match(/^([^<]*)/); if (m) return entities(m[1]); return ""; }
/** * Attribute. */ function attribute() { const m = match(/([\w:-]+)\s*=\s*("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|\w+)\s*/); if (!m) return; return { name: m[1], value: entities(strip(m[2])) }; }
/** * Strip quotes from `val`. */ function strip(val: string) { return val.replace(/^['"]|['"]$/g, ""); }
/** Basic handling of entities: &amp; &lt; &gt; */ function entities(val: string) { return val.replaceAll("&lt;", "<").replaceAll("&gt;", ">").replaceAll("&amp;", "&"); }
/** * Match `re` and advance the string. */ function match(re: RegExp) { const m = xml.match(re); if (!m) return; xml = xml.slice(m[0].length); return m; }
/** * End-of-source. */ function eos() { return 0 == xml.length; }
/** * Check for `prefix`. */ function is(prefix: string) { return 0 == xml.indexOf(prefix); }}