

A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any
import { assert } from "./deps.ts";import { assertEquals } from "./test_deps.ts";import { createMockApp } from "./testing.ts";
import { Server } from "./http_server_bun.ts";
interface SocketAddress { address: string; port: number; family: "IPv4" | "IPv6";}
let currentServer: MockBunServer | undefined;let requests: Request[] = [];
class MockBunServer { stoppedCount = 0; fetch: ( req: Request, server: this, ) => Response | Promise<Response>; responses: Response[] = []; runPromise: Promise<void>;
development: boolean; hostname: string; port: number; pendingRequests = 0;
async #run() { for (const req of requests) { const res = await this.fetch(req, this); this.responses.push(res); } }
constructor( { fetch, hostname, port, development }: { fetch: ( req: Request, server: unknown, ) => Response | Promise<Response>; hostname?: string; port?: number; development?: boolean; error?: (error: Error) => Response | Promise<Response>; tls?: { key?: string; cert?: string; }; }, ) { this.fetch = fetch; this.development = development ?? false; this.hostname = hostname ?? "localhost"; this.port = port ?? 567890; currentServer = this; this.runPromise = this.#run(); }
requestIP(_req: Request): SocketAddress | null { return { address: "", port: 567890, family: "IPv4" }; }
stop(): void { this.stoppedCount++; }}
function setup(reqs?: Request[]) { if (reqs) { requests = reqs; } (globalThis as any)["Bun"] = { serve(options: any) { return new MockBunServer(options); }, };}
function teardown() { delete (globalThis as any)["Bun"]; currentServer = undefined;}
Deno.test({ name: "bun server can listen", async fn() { setup(); const server = new Server(createMockApp(), { port: 8080 }); const listener = await server.listen(); assertEquals(listener, { addr: { hostname: "localhost", port: 8080 } }); assert(currentServer); assertEquals(currentServer.stoppedCount, 0); await server.close(); assertEquals(currentServer.stoppedCount, 1); teardown(); },});
Deno.test({ name: "bun server can process requests", // this is working but there is some sort of hanging promise somewhere I can't // narrow down at the moment ignore: true, async fn() { setup([new Request(new URL("http://localhost:8080/"))]); const server = new Server(createMockApp(), { port: 8080 }); const listener = await server.listen(); assertEquals(listener, { addr: { hostname: "localhost", port: 8080 } }); assert(currentServer); for await (const req of server) { assert(!req.body); assertEquals(req.url, "/"); await req.respond(new Response("hello world")); } await server.close(); await currentServer.runPromise; assertEquals(currentServer.stoppedCount, 1); assertEquals(currentServer.responses.length, 1); teardown(); },});