

A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
/** The abstraction that oak uses when dealing with requests and responses * within the Bun runtime that leverages the built in HTTP server. * * @module */
import { type Application } from "./application.ts";import type { Listener, OakServer, ServeOptions, ServerRequest, ServeTlsOptions,} from "./types.ts";import { createPromiseWithResolvers } from "./util.ts";
type TypedArray = | Uint8Array | Uint16Array | Uint32Array | Int8Array | Int16Array | Int32Array | Float32Array | Float64Array | BigInt64Array | BigUint64Array | Uint8ClampedArray;type BunFile = File;
interface Bun { serve(options: { fetch: (req: Request, server: BunServer) => Response | Promise<Response>; hostname?: string; port?: number; development?: boolean; error?: (error: Error) => Response | Promise<Response>; tls?: { key?: | string | TypedArray | BunFile | Array<string | TypedArray | BunFile>; cert?: | string | TypedArray | BunFile | Array<string | TypedArray | BunFile>; ca?: string | TypedArray | BunFile | Array<string | TypedArray | BunFile>; passphrase?: string; dhParamsFile?: string; }; maxRequestBodySize?: number; lowMemoryMode?: boolean; }): BunServer;}
interface BunServer { development: boolean; hostname: string; port: number; pendingRequests: number; requestIP(req: Request): SocketAddress | null; stop(): void; upgrade(req: Request, options?: { headers?: HeadersInit; //deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any data?: any; }): boolean;}
interface SocketAddress { address: string; port: number; family: "IPv4" | "IPv6";}
declare const Bun: Bun;
function isServeTlsOptions( value: Omit<ServeOptions | ServeTlsOptions, "signal">,): value is Omit<ServeTlsOptions, "signal"> { return !!("cert" in value && "key" in value);}
class BunRequest implements ServerRequest { #hostname: string | undefined; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any #reject: (reason?: any) => void; #request: Request; #resolve: (value: Response) => void; #resolved = false; #promise: Promise<Response>;
get body(): ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null { return this.#request.body; }
get headers(): Headers { return this.#request.headers; }
get method(): string { return this.#request.method; }
get remoteAddr(): string | undefined { return this.#hostname; }
get request(): Request { return this.#request; }
get response(): Promise<Response> { return this.#promise; }
get url(): string { try { const url = new URL(this.#request.url); return this.#request.url.replace(url.origin, ""); } catch { // we don't care about errors, we just want to fall back } return this.#request.url; }
get rawUrl(): string { return this.#request.url; }
constructor(request: Request, server: BunServer) { this.#request = request; this.#hostname = server.requestIP(request)?.address; const { resolve, reject, promise } = createPromiseWithResolvers<Response>(); this.#resolve = resolve; this.#reject = reject; this.#promise = promise; }
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any error(reason?: any): void { if (this.#resolved) { throw new Error("Request already responded to."); } this.#resolved = true; this.#reject(reason); }
getBody(): ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null { return this.#request.body; }
respond(response: Response): void | Promise<void> { if (this.#resolved) { throw new Error("Request already responded to."); } this.#resolved = true; this.#resolve(response); }}
/** An implementation of the oak server abstraction for handling requests on * Bun using the built in Bun http server. */export class Server implements OakServer<BunRequest> { #options: Omit<ServeOptions | ServeTlsOptions, "signal">; #server?: BunServer; #stream?: ReadableStream<BunRequest>;
constructor( _app: Application, options: Omit<ServeOptions | ServeTlsOptions, "signal">, ) { this.#options = options; }
close(): void | Promise<void> { if (this.#server) { this.#server.stop(); } }
listen(): Listener | Promise<Listener> { if (this.#server) { throw new Error("Server already listening."); } const { onListen, hostname, port } = this.#options; const tls = isServeTlsOptions(this.#options) ? { key: this.#options.key, cert: this.#options.cert } : undefined; const { promise, resolve } = createPromiseWithResolvers<Listener>(); this.#stream = new ReadableStream<BunRequest>({ start: (controller) => { this.#server = Bun.serve({ fetch(req, server) { const request = new BunRequest(req, server); controller.enqueue(request); return request.response; }, hostname, port, tls, }); { const { hostname, port } = this.#server; if (onListen) { onListen({ hostname, port }); } resolve({ addr: { hostname, port } }); } }, }); return promise; }
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<BunRequest> { if (!this.#stream) { throw new TypeError("Server hasn't started listening."); } return this.#stream[Symbol.asyncIterator](); }
static type: "bun" = "bun";}