

msgpack-javascript ported to deno
import { ExtensionCodecType } from "./ExtensionCodec.ts";import { Encoder } from "./Encoder.ts";import { ContextOf, SplitUndefined } from "./context.ts";
export type EncodeOptions<ContextType = undefined> = & Partial< Readonly<{ extensionCodec: ExtensionCodecType<ContextType>; maxDepth: number; initialBufferSize: number; sortKeys: boolean;
/** * If `true`, non-integer numbers are encoded in float32, not in float64 (the default). * * Only use it if precisions don't matter. */ forceFloat32: boolean;
/** * If `true`, an object property with `undefined` value are ignored. * e.g. `{ foo: undefined }` will be encoded as `{}`, as `JSON.stringify()` does. * * The default is `false`. Note that it needs more time to encode. */ ignoreUndefined: boolean; }> > & ContextOf<ContextType>;
const defaultEncodeOptions: EncodeOptions = {};
/** * It encodes `value` in the MessagePack format and * returns a byte buffer. * * The returned buffer is a slice of a larger `ArrayBuffer`, so you have to use its `#byteOffset` and `#byteLength` in order to convert it to another typed arrays including NodeJS `Buffer`. */export function encode<ContextType>( value: unknown, options: EncodeOptions<SplitUndefined<ContextType>> = // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any defaultEncodeOptions as any,): Uint8Array { const encoder = new Encoder<ContextType>( options.extensionCodec, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (options as typeof options & { context: any }).context, options.maxDepth, options.initialBufferSize, options.sortKeys, options.forceFloat32, options.ignoreUndefined, ); return encoder.encode(value);}