

msgpack-javascript ported to deno
import { TEXT_ENCODER_THRESHOLD, utf8Count, utf8EncodeJs, utf8EncodeTE,} from "./utils/utf8.ts";import { ExtensionCodec, ExtensionCodecType } from "./ExtensionCodec.ts";import { setInt64, setUint64 } from "./utils/int.ts";import { ensureUint8Array } from "./utils/typedArrays.ts";import { ExtData } from "./ExtData.ts";
export const DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH = 100;export const DEFAULT_INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE = 2048;
export class Encoder<ContextType> { private pos = 0; private view; private bytes;
public constructor( private readonly extensionCodec: ExtensionCodecType<ContextType> = // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ExtensionCodec.defaultCodec as any, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any private readonly context: ContextType = undefined as any, private readonly maxDepth = DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH, private readonly initialBufferSize = DEFAULT_INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE, private readonly sortKeys = false, private readonly forceFloat32 = false, private readonly ignoreUndefined = false, ) { this.view = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(this.initialBufferSize)); this.bytes = new Uint8Array(this.view.buffer); }
private getUint8Array(): Uint8Array { return this.bytes.subarray(0, this.pos); }
private reinitializeState() { this.pos = 0; }
public encode(object: unknown): Uint8Array { this.reinitializeState(); this.doEncode(object, 1); return this.getUint8Array(); }
private doEncode(object: unknown, depth: number): void { if (depth > this.maxDepth) { throw new Error(`Too deep objects in depth ${depth}`); }
if (object == null) { this.encodeNil(); } else if (typeof object === "boolean") { this.encodeBoolean(object); } else if (typeof object === "number") { this.encodeNumber(object); } else if (typeof object === "string") { this.encodeString(object); } else { this.encodeObject(object, depth); } }
private ensureBufferSizeToWrite(sizeToWrite: number) { const requiredSize = this.pos + sizeToWrite;
if (this.view.byteLength < requiredSize) { this.resizeBuffer(requiredSize * 2); } }
private resizeBuffer(newSize: number) { const newBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(newSize); const newBytes = new Uint8Array(newBuffer); const newView = new DataView(newBuffer);
this.view = newView; this.bytes = newBytes; }
private encodeNil() { this.writeU8(0xc0); }
private encodeBoolean(object: boolean) { if (object === false) { this.writeU8(0xc2); } else { this.writeU8(0xc3); } } private encodeNumber(object: number) { if (Number.isSafeInteger(object)) { if (object >= 0) { if (object < 0x80) { // positive fixint this.writeU8(object); } else if (object < 0x100) { // uint 8 this.writeU8(0xcc); this.writeU8(object); } else if (object < 0x10000) { // uint 16 this.writeU8(0xcd); this.writeU16(object); } else if (object < 0x100000000) { // uint 32 this.writeU8(0xce); this.writeU32(object); } else { // uint 64 this.writeU8(0xcf); this.writeU64(object); } } else { if (object >= -0x20) { // nagative fixint this.writeU8(0xe0 | (object + 0x20)); } else if (object >= -0x80) { // int 8 this.writeU8(0xd0); this.writeI8(object); } else if (object >= -0x8000) { // int 16 this.writeU8(0xd1); this.writeI16(object); } else if (object >= -0x80000000) { // int 32 this.writeU8(0xd2); this.writeI32(object); } else { // int 64 this.writeU8(0xd3); this.writeI64(object); } } } else { // non-integer numbers if (this.forceFloat32) { // float 32 this.writeU8(0xca); this.writeF32(object); } else { // float 64 this.writeU8(0xcb); this.writeF64(object); } } }
private writeStringHeader(byteLength: number) { if (byteLength < 32) { // fixstr this.writeU8(0xa0 + byteLength); } else if (byteLength < 0x100) { // str 8 this.writeU8(0xd9); this.writeU8(byteLength); } else if (byteLength < 0x10000) { // str 16 this.writeU8(0xda); this.writeU16(byteLength); } else if (byteLength < 0x100000000) { // str 32 this.writeU8(0xdb); this.writeU32(byteLength); } else { throw new Error(`Too long string: ${byteLength} bytes in UTF-8`); } }
private encodeString(object: string) { const maxHeaderSize = 1 + 4; const strLength = object.length;
if (strLength > TEXT_ENCODER_THRESHOLD) { const byteLength = utf8Count(object); this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(maxHeaderSize + byteLength); this.writeStringHeader(byteLength); utf8EncodeTE(object, this.bytes, this.pos); this.pos += byteLength; } else { const byteLength = utf8Count(object); this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(maxHeaderSize + byteLength); this.writeStringHeader(byteLength); utf8EncodeJs(object, this.bytes, this.pos); this.pos += byteLength; } }
private encodeObject(object: unknown, depth: number) { // try to encode objects with custom codec first of non-primitives const ext = this.extensionCodec.tryToEncode(object, this.context); if (ext != null) { this.encodeExtension(ext); } else if (Array.isArray(object)) { this.encodeArray(object, depth); } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(object)) { this.encodeBinary(object); } else if (typeof object === "object") { this.encodeMap(object as Record<string, unknown>, depth); } else { // symbol, function and other special object come here unless extensionCodec handles them. throw new Error( `Unrecognized object: ${Object.prototype.toString.apply(object)}`, ); } }
private encodeBinary(object: ArrayBufferView) { const size = object.byteLength; if (size < 0x100) { // bin 8 this.writeU8(0xc4); this.writeU8(size); } else if (size < 0x10000) { // bin 16 this.writeU8(0xc5); this.writeU16(size); } else if (size < 0x100000000) { // bin 32 this.writeU8(0xc6); this.writeU32(size); } else { throw new Error(`Too large binary: ${size}`); } const bytes = ensureUint8Array(object); this.writeU8a(bytes); }
private encodeArray(object: Array<unknown>, depth: number) { const size = object.length; if (size < 16) { // fixarray this.writeU8(0x90 + size); } else if (size < 0x10000) { // array 16 this.writeU8(0xdc); this.writeU16(size); } else if (size < 0x100000000) { // array 32 this.writeU8(0xdd); this.writeU32(size); } else { throw new Error(`Too large array: ${size}`); } for (const item of object) { this.doEncode(item, depth + 1); } }
private countWithoutUndefined( object: Record<string, unknown>, keys: ReadonlyArray<string>, ): number { let count = 0;
for (const key of keys) { if (object[key] !== undefined) { count++; } }
return count; }
private encodeMap(object: Record<string, unknown>, depth: number) { const keys = Object.keys(object); if (this.sortKeys) { keys.sort(); }
const size = this.ignoreUndefined ? this.countWithoutUndefined(object, keys) : keys.length;
if (size < 16) { // fixmap this.writeU8(0x80 + size); } else if (size < 0x10000) { // map 16 this.writeU8(0xde); this.writeU16(size); } else if (size < 0x100000000) { // map 32 this.writeU8(0xdf); this.writeU32(size); } else { throw new Error(`Too large map object: ${size}`); }
for (const key of keys) { const value = object[key];
if (!(this.ignoreUndefined && value === undefined)) { this.encodeString(key); this.doEncode(value, depth + 1); } } }
private encodeExtension(ext: ExtData) { const size =; if (size === 1) { // fixext 1 this.writeU8(0xd4); } else if (size === 2) { // fixext 2 this.writeU8(0xd5); } else if (size === 4) { // fixext 4 this.writeU8(0xd6); } else if (size === 8) { // fixext 8 this.writeU8(0xd7); } else if (size === 16) { // fixext 16 this.writeU8(0xd8); } else if (size < 0x100) { // ext 8 this.writeU8(0xc7); this.writeU8(size); } else if (size < 0x10000) { // ext 16 this.writeU8(0xc8); this.writeU16(size); } else if (size < 0x100000000) { // ext 32 this.writeU8(0xc9); this.writeU32(size); } else { throw new Error(`Too large extension object: ${size}`); } this.writeI8(ext.type); this.writeU8a(; }
private writeU8(value: number) { this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(1);
this.view.setUint8(this.pos, value); this.pos++; }
private writeU8a(values: ArrayLike<number>) { const size = values.length; this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(size);
this.bytes.set(values, this.pos); this.pos += size; }
private writeI8(value: number) { this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(1);
this.view.setInt8(this.pos, value); this.pos++; }
private writeU16(value: number) { this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(2);
this.view.setUint16(this.pos, value); this.pos += 2; }
private writeI16(value: number) { this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(2);
this.view.setInt16(this.pos, value); this.pos += 2; }
private writeU32(value: number) { this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(4);
this.view.setUint32(this.pos, value); this.pos += 4; }
private writeI32(value: number) { this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(4);
this.view.setInt32(this.pos, value); this.pos += 4; }
private writeF32(value: number) { this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(4); this.view.setFloat32(this.pos, value); this.pos += 4; }
private writeF64(value: number) { this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(8); this.view.setFloat64(this.pos, value); this.pos += 8; }
private writeU64(value: number) { this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(8);
setUint64(this.view, this.pos, value); this.pos += 8; }
private writeI64(value: number) { this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(8);
setInt64(this.view, this.pos, value); this.pos += 8; }}