interface CellObjectimport { type CellObject } from ""; Worksheet Cell Object Propertiesoptionalv: | string | number | boolean | DateThe raw value of the cell. Can be omitted if a formula is specified optionalw: stringFormatted text (if applicable) t: ExcelDataTypeThe Excel Data Type of the cell. b Boolean, n Number, e Error, s String, d Date, z Empty optionalf: stringCell formula (if applicable) optionalF: stringRange of enclosing array if formula is array formula (if applicable) optionalD: booleanIf true, cell is a dynamic array formula (for supported file formats) optionalr: anyRich text encoding (if applicable) optionalh: stringHTML rendering of the rich text (if applicable) optionalc: CommentsComments associated with the cell optionalz: NumberFormatNumber format string associated with the cell (if requested) optionall: HyperlinkCell hyperlink object (.Target holds link, .tooltip is tooltip) optionals: anyThe style/theme of the cell (if applicable)