class Checkbox extends GenericList<string[], string[], CheckboxSettings>import { Checkbox } from ""; Checkbox prompt representation. MethodsprotectedcheckValue(): voidCheck selected option. protectedformat(value: string[]): stringFormat output value. protectedgetListItem(item: CheckboxOptionSettings, isSelected?: boolean): stringRender checkbox option. protectedgetValue(): string[]Get value of checked options. protectedhandleEvent(event: KeyCode): Promise<void>Handle user input event. protectedtransform(value: string[]): string[]Map input value to output value. protectedvalidate(value: string[]): boolean | stringValidate input value. Static MethodsprotectedmapOptions(options: CheckboxOptions): CheckboxValueSettingsMap string option values to options and set option defaults. inject(value: string[]): voidInject prompt value. Can be used for unit tests or pre selections. prompt(options: CheckboxOptions): Promise<string[]>Execute the prompt and show cursor on end. separator(label?: string): CheckboxOptionCreate list separator.