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enum HTTPResponseCodes
import { HTTPResponseCodes } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@17.2.0/plugins/cache/deps.ts";


BadRequest = 400

The request was improperly formatted, or the server couldn't understand it.


The entity was created successfully.

Forbidden = 403

The Authorization token you passed did not have permission to the resource.

GatewayUnavailable = 502

There was not a gateway available to process your request. Wait a bit and retry.


The HTTP method used is not valid for the location specified.

NoContent = 204

The request completed successfully but returned no content.


The resource at the location specified doesn't exist.

NotModified = 304

The entity was not modified (no action was taken).

Ok = 200

The request completed successfully.

TooManyRequests = 429

You are being rate limited, see Rate Limits.


The Authorization header was missing or invalid.

import HTTPResponseCodes
import { HTTPResponseCodes } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@17.2.0/plugins/cache/deps.ts";