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interface DiscordGuildMembersChunk
import { type DiscordGuildMembersChunk } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@17.2.0/plugins/cache/deps.ts";


guild_id: string

The id of the guild

Set of guild members

chunk_index: number

The chunk index in the expected chunks for this response (0 <= chunk_index < chunk_count)

chunk_count: number

The total number of expected chunks for this response

not_found: string[]

If passing an invalid id to REQUEST_GUILD_MEMBERS, it will be returned here

presences: DiscordPresenceUpdate[]

If passing true to REQUEST_GUILD_MEMBERS, presences of the returned members will be here

nonce: string

The nonce used in the Guild Members Request

import DiscordGuildMembersChunk
import { DiscordGuildMembersChunk } from "https://dotland.deno.dev/x/discordeno@17.2.0/plugins/cache/deps.ts";