
import { assert, assertArrayIncludes, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertRejects, assertStrictEquals,} from "";import { CookieJar } from "./cookie_jar.ts";import { wrapFetch } from "./fetch_wrapper.ts";import { delay } from "";import { Cookie } from "./cookie.ts";
function drop(resourceName: string) { const rt: Deno.ResourceMap = Deno.resources(); for (const rid in rt) { if (rt[rid] == resourceName) { try { Deno.close(Number(rid)); return true; } catch { return false; } } }}
const serverOnePort = 53250;const serverTwoPort = 53251;const serverOneHostname = "";const serverTwoHostname = "localhost";
const serverOneOptions = { hostname: serverOneHostname, port: serverOnePort,};
const serverTwoOptions = { hostname: serverTwoHostname, port: serverTwoPort,};
const serverOneUrl = `http://${serverOneHostname}:${serverOnePort}`;
const serverTwoUrl = `http://${serverTwoHostname}:${serverTwoPort}`;
async function serverHandler(request: Request): Promise<Response> { const { pathname } = new URL(request.url); if (pathname === "/echo_headers") { const headers = JSON.stringify([...request.headers]); return new Response(headers, { status: 200 }); } else if (pathname === "/echo_body") { const body = await request.text(); return new Response(body, { status: 200, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, }); } else if (pathname === "/echo_foo") { const body = "foo"; return new Response(body, { status: 200, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/text" }, }); } else if (pathname === "/echo_method") { return new Response(request.method, { status: 200 }); } else if (pathname === "/set1") { const headers = new Headers(); headers.append("Set-Cookie", "foo=bar; Path=/; HttpOnly"); headers.append("Set-Cookie", "baz=thud; Path=/; Secure"); return new Response("ok", { status: 200, headers }); } else if (pathname === "/set2") { const headers = new Headers(); headers.append("Set-Cookie", "echo=one; Path=/; HttpOnly"); headers.append("Set-Cookie", "third=echo; Path=/; Secure"); return new Response("ok", { status: 200, headers }); } else if (pathname === "/redirect_to_server_two_set1") { return Response.redirect(serverTwoUrl + "/set1"); } else if (pathname === "/redirect_to_server_two_set1_with_cookie") { const headers = new Headers({ "Set-Cookie": "redirect_cookie=bar; Path=/; HttpOnly", "location": serverTwoUrl + "/set1", }); return new Response(null, { status: 301, headers }); } else if (pathname === "/redirect_to_server_two") { const headers = new Headers({ "location": serverTwoUrl + "/echo_headers", }); return new Response(null, { status: 301, headers }); } else if (pathname === "/redirect_to_server_two_echo_method") { const headers = new Headers({ "location": serverTwoUrl + "/echo_method", }); return new Response(null, { status: 301, headers }); } else if (pathname === "/redirect_to_server_two_echo_body") { const headers = new Headers({ "location": serverTwoUrl + "/echo_body", }); return new Response(null, { status: 301, headers }); } else if (pathname === "/redirect_to_echo_foo") { const headers = new Headers({ "location": "/echo_foo", }); return new Response(null, { status: 301, headers }); } else if (pathname === "/redirect_loop") { const headers = new Headers({ "location": serverOneUrl + "/redirect_loop_2", }); return new Response(null, { status: 301, headers }); } else if (pathname === "/redirect_loop_2") { const headers = new Headers({ "location": serverOneUrl + "/redirect_loop", }); return new Response(null, { status: 302, headers }); } else { const bodyContent = request.headers.get("cookie") || ""; return new Response(bodyContent, { status: 200 }); }}
type ListenAndServeOptions = { hostname: string; port: number; abortController: AbortController;};
async function listenAndServe(options: ListenAndServeOptions) { const { hostname, port, abortController } = options;
const listener = Deno.listen({ hostname, port });
const handleAbort = () => { abortController.signal.removeEventListener("abort", handleAbort); listener.close(); drop("httpConn"); };
abortController.signal.addEventListener("abort", handleAbort);
try { for await (const conn of listener) { for await ( const { respondWith, request } of Deno.serveHttp(conn) ) { respondWith(serverHandler(request)); } } } catch { drop("httpConn"); }}
function runServer( options: Omit<ListenAndServeOptions, "abortController">,) { const abortController = new AbortController(); listenAndServe({ ...options, abortController, }).catch((e) => { abortController.abort(); delay(10); throw e; }); return abortController;}
console.log( "Test HTTP webserver running at:", serverOneUrl, serverTwoUrl,);console.log('GET "/" echos "cookie" header, GET "/set1" sets two cookies');
Deno.test("WrappedFetch saves cookies from set-cookie header", async () => { const abortController = runServer(serverOneOptions); try { const cookieJar = new CookieJar(); const wrappedFetch = wrapFetch({ cookieJar }); const response = await wrappedFetch(serverOneUrl + "/set1"); await response.body?.cancel(); assertStrictEquals(cookieJar.getCookie({ name: "foo" })?.value, "bar"); assertStrictEquals(cookieJar.getCookie({ name: "baz" })?.value, "thud"); } finally { abortController.abort(); }});
Deno.test("WrappedFetch can use the Request and still inject cookies", async () => { const abortController = runServer(serverOneOptions); try { const cookieJar = new CookieJar([ new Cookie({ name: "goo", value: "baz", expires: new Date("2600 10 10").valueOf(), domain: new URL(serverOneUrl).hostname, }), ]); const wrappedFetch = wrapFetch({ cookieJar }); const request = new Request(serverOneUrl + "/echo_headers", { headers: { foo: "bar", zoo: "bum" }, }); const res = await wrappedFetch(request, { headers: [["thud", "fum"], ["zoo", "gut"]], }) .then((r) => r.json()); assertArrayIncludes(res, [ ["foo", "bar"], ["zoo", "gut"], // not 'bum' because init should replace original request options ["thud", "fum"], [ "cookie", "goo=baz", ], ]); } finally { abortController.abort(); }});
Deno.test("WrappedFetch body is not tampered with", async () => { const abortController = runServer(serverOneOptions); try { const wrappedFetch = wrapFetch(); const bodyData = { foo: "bar" }; const request = new Request(serverOneUrl + "/echo_body", { body: JSON.stringify(bodyData), method: "post", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }); const res = await wrappedFetch(request).then((r) => r.json()); assertEquals(res, bodyData); } finally { abortController.abort(); }});
Deno.test("WrappedFetch merges headers with cookie header", async () => { const abortController = runServer(serverOneOptions); try { const cookieJar = new CookieJar(); const wrappedFetch = wrapFetch({ cookieJar }); await wrappedFetch(serverOneUrl + "/set1").then((r) => r.text()); assertStrictEquals(cookieJar.getCookie({ name: "foo" })?.value, "bar");
const headersToSend = new Headers(); headersToSend.set("user-agent", "something");
let cookieString = await wrappedFetch(serverOneUrl + "/", { headers: headersToSend, }).then((r) => r.text());
assertStrictEquals(cookieString, "foo=bar");
// second type cookieString = await wrappedFetch(serverOneUrl + "/", { headers: { "user-agent": "something", }, }).then((r) => r.text());
assertStrictEquals(cookieString, "foo=bar");
// third type cookieString = await wrappedFetch(serverOneUrl + "/", { headers: [ ["user-agent", "something"], ], }).then((r) => r.text());
assertStrictEquals(cookieString, "foo=bar"); } finally { abortController.abort(); }});
Deno.test("WrappedFetch doesn't send secure cookies over unsecure urls", async () => { const abortController = runServer(serverOneOptions); try { const cookieJar = new CookieJar(); const wrappedFetch = wrapFetch({ cookieJar }); await wrappedFetch(serverOneUrl + "/set1").then((r) => r.text()); assertStrictEquals(cookieJar.getCookie({ name: "foo" })?.value, "bar"); assertStrictEquals(cookieJar.getCookie({ name: "baz" })?.value, "thud");
// since `baz` cookie is secure, it should not be sent with fetch assertStrictEquals(cookieJar.getCookie({ name: "baz" })?.secure, true); const cookieString = await wrappedFetch(serverOneUrl + "/").then((r) => r.text() ); assertStrictEquals(cookieString, "foo=bar"); } finally { abortController.abort(); }});
Deno.test("response.redirected is set when redirected", async () => { const abortController = runServer(serverOneOptions); const abortController2 = runServer(serverTwoOptions); try { const wrappedFetch = wrapFetch();
const response = await wrappedFetch( serverOneUrl + "/redirect_to_server_two_set1", ); await response.body?.cancel(); assertStrictEquals(response.redirected, true); } finally { abortController.abort(); abortController2.abort(); }});
Deno.test("response.redirected is not set when not redirected", async () => { const abortController = runServer(serverOneOptions); try { const wrappedFetch = wrapFetch();
const response = await wrappedFetch( serverOneUrl + "/echo_headers", ); await response.body?.cancel(); assertStrictEquals(response.redirected, false); } finally { abortController.abort(); }});
Deno.test("Sets the correct domain in cookies when 302-redirected", async () => { const abortController = runServer(serverOneOptions); const abortController2 = runServer(serverTwoOptions); try { const cookieJar = new CookieJar(); const wrappedFetch = wrapFetch({ cookieJar });
await wrappedFetch(serverOneUrl + "/redirect_to_server_two_set1").then(( r, ) => r.text()); assertStrictEquals( cookieJar.getCookie({ name: "foo" })?.domain, `${serverTwoHostname}`, ); } finally { abortController.abort(); abortController2.abort(); }});
Deno.test("Gets cookies both from 302-redirected and 200 response", async () => { const abortController = runServer(serverOneOptions); const abortController2 = runServer(serverTwoOptions); try { const cookieJar = new CookieJar(); const wrappedFetch = wrapFetch({ cookieJar });
await wrappedFetch( serverOneUrl + "/redirect_to_server_two_set1_with_cookie", ).then(( r, ) => r.text()); assertStrictEquals( cookieJar.getCookie({ name: "foo" })?.domain, `${serverTwoHostname}`, ); assertStrictEquals( cookieJar.getCookie({ name: "redirect_cookie" })?.domain, `${serverOneHostname}`, ); } finally { abortController.abort(); abortController2.abort(); }});
Deno.test("Redirect loop ends when it reaches 20 redirects", async () => { const abortController = runServer(serverOneOptions); try { const wrappedFetch = wrapFetch(); const pathname = "/redirect_loop";
await assertRejects( async () => { await wrappedFetch(serverOneUrl + pathname); }, Error, `Reached maximum redirect of 20 for URL: ${serverOneUrl}`, ); } finally { abortController.abort(); }});
Deno.test("Respects when request.init.redirect is set to 'manual'", async () => { const abortController = runServer(serverOneOptions); try { const wrappedFetch = wrapFetch();
const pathname = "/redirect_to_server_two_set1"; const response = await wrappedFetch( serverOneUrl + pathname, { redirect: "manual", }, ); await response.text(); assertStrictEquals(response.url, serverOneUrl + pathname); } finally { abortController.abort(); }});
Deno.test("Respects when request.init.redirect is set to 'error'", async () => { const abortController = runServer(serverOneOptions); try { const wrappedFetch = wrapFetch();
const pathname = "/redirect_to_server_two_set1";
const fn = async () => { await wrappedFetch(serverOneUrl + pathname, { redirect: "error", }); };
await assertRejects( async () => await fn(), Error, `URI requested responded with a redirect and redirect mode is set to error: ${serverOneUrl}${pathname}`, ); } finally { abortController.abort(); }});
Deno.test("Cookies are not send cross domain", async () => { const abortController = runServer(serverOneOptions); const abortController2 = runServer(serverTwoOptions); try { const cookieJar = new CookieJar(); const wrappedFetch = wrapFetch({ cookieJar });
// server 1 await wrappedFetch(serverOneUrl + "/set1").then((r) => r.text()); assertStrictEquals(cookieJar.getCookie({ name: "foo" })?.value, "bar"); assertStrictEquals(cookieJar.getCookie({ name: "baz" })?.value, "thud");
// server 2 await wrappedFetch(serverTwoUrl + "/set2").then((r) => r.text()); assertStrictEquals(cookieJar.getCookie({ name: "echo" })?.value, "one"); assertStrictEquals(cookieJar.getCookie({ name: "third" })?.value, "echo");
// we got all the cookies, not should try to see if we send them right let cookieString; // try server1 cookieString = await wrappedFetch(serverOneUrl + "/").then((r) => r.text()); assertStrictEquals(cookieString, "foo=bar"); // try server2 cookieString = await wrappedFetch(serverTwoUrl + "/").then((r) => r.text()); assertStrictEquals(cookieString, "echo=one"); } finally { abortController.abort(); abortController2.abort(); }});
Deno.test("using wrapped fetch doesn't mutate user's initial init", async () => { const abortController = runServer(serverOneOptions); try { const cookieJar = new CookieJar(); const wrappedFetch = wrapFetch({ cookieJar });
const abortController = new AbortController(); const originalUserInit: RequestInit = { body: "foo", cache: "reload", credentials: "omit", headers: [["a", "b"]], integrity: "c", keepalive: false, method: "POST", mode: "no-cors", redirect: "follow", referrer: "unknwn", referrerPolicy: "unsafe-url", signal: abortController.signal, window: null, };
const userInit: RequestInit = { body: "foo", cache: "reload", credentials: "omit", headers: [["a", "b"]], integrity: "c", keepalive: false, method: "POST", mode: "no-cors", redirect: "follow", referrer: "unknwn", referrerPolicy: "unsafe-url", signal: abortController.signal, window: null, };
const response = await wrappedFetch(serverOneUrl + "/set1", userInit); await response.body?.cancel();
assertEquals(originalUserInit, userInit); } finally { abortController.abort(); }});
Deno.test("doesn't send sensitive headers after redirect to different domains", async () => { const abortController = runServer(serverOneOptions); const abortController2 = runServer(serverTwoOptions); try { const cookieJar = new CookieJar(); const wrappedFetch = wrapFetch({ cookieJar });
const res = await wrappedFetch( serverOneUrl + "/redirect_to_server_two", { headers: { "foo": "bar", "authorization": "foo", "www-authenticate": "foo", "cookie": "foo", "cookie2": "foo", }, }, ).then((r) => r.json());
const resHeaders = new Headers(res); assert(resHeaders.has("foo"), "request didn't have `foo` in headers"); // should not contain the headers above assertFalse( resHeaders.has("www-authenticate"), "request had `www-authenticate` in headers", ); assertFalse( resHeaders.has("authorization"), "request had `authorization` in headers", ); assertFalse( resHeaders.get("cookie"), "`cookie` header is not empty", ); assertFalse( resHeaders.has("cookie2"), "`cookie2` header shouldn't be sent! ", ); } finally { abortController.abort(); abortController2.abort(); }});
Deno.test("doesn't POST body after redirection", async () => { const abortController = runServer(serverOneOptions); const abortController2 = runServer(serverTwoOptions);
try { const cookieJar = new CookieJar(); const wrappedFetch = wrapFetch({ cookieJar });
const res = await wrappedFetch( serverOneUrl + "/redirect_to_server_two_echo_method", { body: "FOO", method: "POST" }, ).then((r) => r.text());
assertEquals(res, "GET", "method is NOT changed to GET after redirection");
const echoRes = await wrappedFetch( serverOneUrl + "/redirect_to_server_two_echo_body", { body: "FOO", method: "POST" }, ).then((r) => r.text());
assertEquals(echoRes, "", "no content should be sent after redirection");
const headerRes = await wrappedFetch( serverOneUrl + "/redirect_to_server_two", { body: "FOO", method: "POST" }, ).then((r) => r.text());
assertFalse( headerRes.includes("content-length"), "content-length header must not be sent after redirection", ); } finally { abortController.abort(); abortController2.abort(); }});
Deno.test("handles path redirections", async () => { const abortController2 = runServer(serverTwoOptions);
try { const wrappedFetch = wrapFetch();
const res = await wrappedFetch( serverTwoUrl + "/redirect_to_echo_foo", { method: "GET" }, ).then((r) => r.text());
assertEquals( res, "foo", "path redirect breaks the app", ); } finally { abortController2.abort(); }});