
import { CookieJar } from "./cookie_jar.ts";
// Max 20 redirects is fetch default settingconst MAX_REDIRECT = 20;
export type WrapFetchOptions = { /** your own fetch function. defaults to global fetch. This allows wrapping your fetch function multiple times. */ fetch?: typeof fetch; /** The cookie jar to use when wrapping fetch. Will create a new one if not provided. */ cookieJar?: CookieJar;};
interface ExtendedRequestInit extends RequestInit { redirectCount?: number;}
const redirectStatus = new Set([301, 302, 303, 307, 308]);
function isRedirect(status: number): boolean { return redirectStatus.has(status);}
// Credit <>.function isDomainOrSubdomain(destination: string, original: string): boolean { const orig = new URL(original).hostname; const dest = new URL(destination).hostname;
return orig === dest || orig.endsWith(`.${dest}`);}
export function wrapFetch(options?: WrapFetchOptions): typeof fetch { const { cookieJar = new CookieJar(), fetch = globalThis.fetch } = options || {};
async function wrappedFetch( input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: ExtendedRequestInit, ): Promise<Response> { // let fetch handle the error if (!input) { return await fetch(input); } const cookieString = cookieJar.getCookieString(input);
let originalRedirectOption: ExtendedRequestInit["redirect"]; const originalRequestUrl: string = (input as Request).url || input.toString();
if (input instanceof Request) { originalRedirectOption = input.redirect; } if (init?.redirect) { originalRedirectOption = init?.redirect; }
const interceptedInit: ExtendedRequestInit = { ...init, redirect: "manual", };
const reqHeaders = new Headers((input as Request).headers || {});
if (init?.headers) { new Headers(init.headers).forEach((value, key) => { reqHeaders.set(key, value); }); }
if (cookieString.length) { reqHeaders.set("cookie", cookieString); } reqHeaders.delete("cookie2"); // Remove cookie2 if it exists, It's deprecated
interceptedInit.headers = reqHeaders;
const response = await fetch(input, interceptedInit as RequestInit);
response.headers.forEach((value, key) => { if (key.toLowerCase() === "set-cookie") { cookieJar.setCookie(value, response.url); } });
const redirectCount = interceptedInit.redirectCount ?? 0; const redirectUrl = response.headers.has("location") ? new URL( response.headers.get("location")!.toString(), originalRequestUrl, ).toString() : undefined;
// Do this check here to allow tail recursion of redirect. if (redirectCount > 0) { Object.defineProperty(response, "redirected", { value: true }); }
if ( // Return if response is not redirect !isRedirect(response.status) || // or location is not set !redirectUrl || // or if it's the first request and request.redirect is set to 'manual' (redirectCount === 0 && originalRedirectOption === "manual") ) { return response; }
if (originalRedirectOption === "error") { await response.body?.cancel(); throw new TypeError( `URI requested responded with a redirect and redirect mode is set to error: ${response.url}`, ); }
// If maximum redirects are reached throw error if (redirectCount >= MAX_REDIRECT) { await response.body?.cancel(); throw new TypeError( `Reached maximum redirect of ${MAX_REDIRECT} for URL: ${response.url}`, ); }
await response.body?.cancel();
interceptedInit.redirectCount = redirectCount + 1;
const filteredHeaders = new Headers(interceptedInit.headers);
// Do not forward sensitive headers to third-party domains. if (!isDomainOrSubdomain(originalRequestUrl, redirectUrl)) { for (const name of ["authorization", "www-authenticate"]) { // cookie headers are handled differently filteredHeaders.delete(name); } }
if (interceptedInit.method === "POST") { filteredHeaders.delete("content-length"); interceptedInit.method = "GET"; interceptedInit.body = undefined; } interceptedInit.headers = filteredHeaders;
return await wrappedFetch(redirectUrl, interceptedInit as RequestInit); }
return wrappedFetch;}