

The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import React from ''import { Head } from './head.ts'
const e501AppEl = React.createElement( ErrorPage, { status: 501, text: 'app module should export default as a react component', refreshButton: true })const e501PageEl = React.createElement( ErrorPage, { status: 501, text: 'page module should export default as a react component', refreshButton: true })const e404PageEl = React.createElement(ErrorPage, { status: 404 })
export const E501App = () => e501AppElexport const E501Page = () => e501PageElexport const E404Page = () => e404PageEl
export class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component { state: { stack: string | null }
constructor(props: any) { super(props) this.state = { stack: null } }
static getDerivedStateFromError(error: Error) { // Update state so the next render will show the fallback UI. return { stack: error.stack } }
componentDidCatch(error: any, errorInfo: any) { this.state = { stack: error.stack } }
render() { if (this.state.stack) { return ( React.createElement( 'pre', null, this.state.stack ) ) }
return this.props.children }}
export function ErrorPage({ status, text = getStatusText(status), refreshButton }: { status: number, text?: string, refreshButton?: boolean }) { return ( React.createElement( React.Fragment, null, React.createElement( Head, null, React.createElement( 'title', null, `${status} - ${text} | Aleph.js` ), ), React.createElement( 'p', null, React.createElement( 'strong', null, React.createElement( 'code', null, status ) ), React.createElement( 'small', null, ' - ' ), React.createElement( 'span', null, text ) ), refreshButton && React.createElement( 'p', null, React.createElement( 'button', { onClick() { const { location } = window as any location.reload() } }, 'Refresh' ) ) ) )}
function getStatusText(status: number) { switch (status) { case 404: return 'page not found' case 500: return 'internal server error' default: return 'error' }}