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import React, { Children, createElement, isValidElement, PropsWithChildren, ReactElement, ReactNode, useEffect } from ''import type { AlephRuntime } from './types.ts'import util, { hashShort } from './util.ts'
const serverHeadElements: Map<string, { type: string, props: Record<string, any> }> = new Map()const serverStyles: Map<string, { css: string, asLink: boolean }> = new Map()
export async function renderHead(styles?: { url: string, hash: string, async?: boolean }[]) { const { __appRoot, __buildID } = (window as any).ALEPH as AlephRuntime const tags: string[] = [] serverHeadElements.forEach(({ type, props }) => { if (type === 'title') { if (util.isNEString(props.children)) { tags.push(`<title ssr>${props.children}</title>`) } else if (util.isNEArray(props.children)) { tags.push(`<title ssr>${props.children.join('')}</title>`) } } else { const attrs = Object.keys(props) .filter(key => key !== 'children') .map(key => ` ${key}=${JSON.stringify(props[key])}`) .join('') if (util.isNEString(props.children)) { tags.push(`<${type}${attrs} ssr>${props.children}</${type}>`) } else if (util.isNEArray(props.children)) { tags.push(`<${type}${attrs} ssr>${props.children.join('')}</${type}>`) } else { tags.push(`<${type}${attrs} ssr />`) } } }) await Promise.all(styles?.filter(({ async }) => !!async).map(({ url, hash }) => { return import('file://' + util.cleanPath(`${__appRoot}/.aleph/build-${__buildID}/${url}.${hash.slice(0, hashShort)}.js`)) }) || []) styles?.forEach(({ url }) => { if (serverStyles.has(url)) { const { css, asLink } = serverStyles.get(url)! if (asLink) { tags.push(`<link rel="stylesheet" href="${css}" data-module-id=${JSON.stringify(url)} />`) } else { tags.push(`<style type="text/css" data-module-id=${JSON.stringify(url)}>${css}</style>`) } } }) serverHeadElements.clear() return tags}
export function applyCSS(id: string, css: string, asLink: boolean = false) { if (window.Deno) { serverStyles.set(id, { css, asLink }) } else { const { document } = (window as any) const styleEl = document.createElement(asLink ? 'link' : 'style') const prevStyleEls = Array.from(document.head.children).filter((el: any) => el.getAttribute('data-module-id') === id) if (asLink) { styleEl.rel = 'stylesheet' styleEl.href = css } else { styleEl.type = 'text/css' styleEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)) } styleEl.setAttribute('data-module-id', id) document.head.appendChild(styleEl) if (prevStyleEls.length > 0) { if (asLink) { styleEl.addEventListener('load', () => { prevStyleEls.forEach(el => document.head.removeChild(el)) }) } else { setTimeout(() => { prevStyleEls.forEach(el => document.head.removeChild(el)) }, 0) } } }}
export function Head({ children }: PropsWithChildren<{}>) { if (window.Deno) { parse(children).forEach(({ type, props }, key) => serverHeadElements.set(key, { type, props })) }
useEffect(() => { const doc = (window as any).document const nodes = parse(children) const insertedEls: Array<Object> = []
if (nodes.size > 0) { let charset = doc.querySelector('meta[charset]') if (!charset) { charset = doc.createElement('meta') charset.setAttribute('charset', 'utf-8') doc.head.prepend(charset) }
const anchor = doc.createElement('meta') if (charset.nextElementSibling) { doc.head.insertBefore(anchor, charset.nextElementSibling) } else { doc.head.appendChild(anchor) }
nodes.forEach(({ type, props }) => { const el = doc.createElement(type) Object.keys(props).forEach(key => { const value = props[key] if (key === 'children') { if (util.isNEString(value)) { el.innerText = value } else if (util.isNEArray(value)) { el.innerText = value.join('') } } else { el.setAttribute(key, String(value || '')) } }) doc.head.insertBefore(el, anchor) insertedEls.push(el) }) doc.head.removeChild(anchor) }
return () => { insertedEls.forEach(el => doc.head.removeChild(el)) } }, [children])
return null}
interface SEOProps { title: string description: string keywords: string | string[] image?: string}
export function SEO({ title, description, keywords, image }: SEOProps) { return createElement( Head, undefined, createElement('title', undefined, title), createElement('meta', { name: 'description', content: description }), createElement('meta', { name: 'keywords', content: util.isArray(keywords) ? keywords.join(',') : keywords }), createElement('meta', { name: 'og:title', content: title }), createElement('meta', { name: 'og:description', content: description }), createElement('meta', { name: 'twitter:title', content: title }), createElement('meta', { name: 'twitter:description', content: description }), image && createElement('meta', { name: 'og:image', content: image }), image && createElement('meta', { name: 'twitter:image:src', content: image }), image && createElement('meta', { name: 'twitter:card', content: 'summary_large_image' }), )}
interface ViewportProps { width: number | 'device-width' height?: number | 'device-height' initialScale?: number minimumScale?: number maximumScale?: number userScalable?: boolean targetDensitydpi?: number | 'device-dpi' | 'low-dpi' | 'medium-dpi' | 'high-dpi'}
export function Viewport(props: ViewportProps) { const content = Object.entries(props) .map(([key, value]) => { key = key.replace(/[A-Z]/g, c => '-' + c.toLowerCase()) if (value === true) { value = 'yes' } else if (value === false) { value = 'no' } return `${key}=${value}` }) .join(',') return createElement( Head, undefined, createElement('meta', { name: 'viewport', content }) )}
function parse(node: ReactNode, els: Map<string, { type: string, props: Record<string, any> }> = new Map()) { Children.forEach(node, child => { if (!isValidElement(child)) { return }
const { type, props } = child switch (type) { case React.Fragment: parse(props.children, els) break case SEO: case Viewport: parse((type(props) as ReactElement).props.children, els) break case 'base': case 'title': case 'meta': case 'link': case 'style': case 'script': case 'no-script': { let key = type if (type === 'meta') { const propKeys = Object.keys(props).map(k => k.toLowerCase()) if (propKeys.includes('charset')) { return // ignore charset, always use utf-8 } if (propKeys.includes('name')) { key += `[name=${JSON.stringify(props['name'])}]` } else if (propKeys.includes('property')) { key += `[property=${JSON.stringify(props['property'])}]` } else if (propKeys.includes('http-equiv')) { key += `[http-equiv=${JSON.stringify(props['http-equiv'])}]` } else { key += Object.keys(props).filter(k => !(/^content|children$/i.test(k))).map(k => `[${k.toLowerCase()}=${JSON.stringify(props[k])}]`).join('') } } else if (type !== 'title') { key += '-' + (els.size + 1) } // remove the children prop of base/meta/link if (['base', 'meta', 'link'].includes(type) && 'children' in props) { const { children, } = props els.set(key, { type, props: rest }) } else { els.set(key, { type, props }) } } break } })
return els}