interface SecureCookieMapSetDeleteOptionsimport { type SecureCookieMapSetDeleteOptions } from ""; Propertiesoptionaldomain: stringThe domain to scope the cookie for. optionalexpires: DateWhen the cookie expires. optionalhttpOnly: booleanA flag that indicates if the cookie is valid over HTTP only. optionalignoreInsecure: booleanDo not error when signing and validating cookies over an insecure connection. optionaloverwrite: booleanOverwrite an existing value. optionalpath: stringThe path the cookie is valid for. optionalsecure: booleanOverride the flag that was set when the instance was created. optionalsameSite: | "strict" | "lax" | "none" | booleanSet the same-site indicator for a cookie. optionalsigned: booleanOverride the default behavior of signing the cookie.