interface ServeDirOptionsimport { type ServeDirOptions } from ""; Interface for serveDir options. PropertiesoptionalfsRoot: stringServes the files under the given directory root. Defaults to your current directory. optionalurlRoot: stringSpecified that part is stripped from the beginning of the requested pathname. optionalshowDirListing: boolean = falseEnable directory listing. optionalshowDotfiles: boolean = falseServes dotfiles. optionalshowIndex: booleanServes index.html as the index file of the directory. optionalenableCors: boolean = falseEnable CORS via the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header. optionalquiet: boolean = falseDo not print request level logs. Defaults to false. optionaletagAlgorithm: DigestAlgorithm = "fnv1a"The algorithm to use for generating the ETag. optionalheaders: string[] = []Headers to add to each response