import { ZipFileEntry } from "";
Represents a file entry in the zip (Filesystem API).
The Reader instance used to read the content of the entry.
getBlob(mimeType?: string, options?: EntryGetDataOptions): Promise<Blob>
Retrieves the content of the entry as a Blob
getData(writer: , options?: EntryGetDataOptions): Promise<unknown>
| WritableStream
Retrieves the content of the entry via a Writer instance
getData64URI(mimeType?: string, options?: EntryGetDataOptions): Promise<string>
Retrieves the content of the entry as as a Data URI string
encoded in Base64
getText(encoding?: string, options?: EntryGetDataOptions): Promise<string>
Retrieves the text content of the entry as a string
getUint8Array(options?: EntryGetDataOptions): Promise<Uint8Array>
Retrieves the content of the entry as a Uint8Array
getWritable(writable?: WritableStream, options?: EntryGetDataOptions): Promise<WritableStream>
Retrieves the content of the entry via a WritableStream
replaceData64URI(dataURI: string): void
Replaces the content of the entry with a Data URI string
encoded in Base64
replaceReadable(readable: ReadableStream): void
Replaces the content of the entry with a ReadableStream
replaceUint8Array(array: Uint8Array): void
Replaces the content of the entry with a Uint8Array