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/* global describe, it */const {expect} = require('chai');const {isPromise} = require('../build/index.cjs');
describe('isPromise', () => { it('returns `false` on non promise value', () => { expect(isPromise('hello there.')); });
it('returns `true` on es6 promise', () => { const esPromise = new Promise(() => {}); expect(isPromise(esPromise)); });
it('returns `true` on some other thenable', () => { const thenable = {then: () => {}}; expect(isPromise(thenable)); });
it('returns `false` if some falsy value is passed', () => { expect(isPromise(null)); });
it('returns `false` if passed object has no `then` property', () => { expect(isPromise({})); });
it('returns `false` if `then` is not a function', () => { const obj = {then: 4711}; expect(isPromise(obj)); });});