

yargs the modern, pirate-themed successor to optimist.
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'use strict'
import { notStrictEqual, strictEqual } from 'assert'import cliui from 'cliui'import escalade from 'escalade/sync'import { inspect } from 'util'import { readFileSync } from 'fs'import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';import Parser from 'yargs-parser'import { basename, dirname, extname, relative, resolve } from 'path'import { getProcessArgvBin } from '../../build/lib/utils/process-argv.js'import { YError } from '../../build/lib/yerror.js'import y18n from 'y18n'
const REQUIRE_ERROR = 'require is not supported by ESM'const REQUIRE_DIRECTORY_ERROR = 'loading a directory of commands is not supported yet for ESM'
let __dirname;try { __dirname = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);} catch (e) { __dirname = process.cwd();}const mainFilename = __dirname.substring(0, __dirname.lastIndexOf('node_modules'));
export default { assert: { notStrictEqual, strictEqual }, cliui, findUp: escalade, getEnv: (key) => { return process.env[key] }, inspect, getCallerFile: () => { throw new YError(REQUIRE_DIRECTORY_ERROR) }, getProcessArgvBin, mainFilename: mainFilename || process.cwd(), Parser, path: { basename, dirname, extname, relative, resolve }, process: { argv: () => process.argv, cwd: process.cwd, emitWarning: (warning, type) => process.emitWarning(warning, type), execPath: () => process.execPath, exit: process.exit, nextTick: process.nextTick, stdColumns: typeof process.stdout.columns !== 'undefined' ? process.stdout.columns : null }, readFileSync, require: () => { throw new YError(REQUIRE_ERROR) }, requireDirectory: () => { throw new YError(REQUIRE_DIRECTORY_ERROR) }, stringWidth: (str) => { return [...str].length }, y18n: y18n({ directory: resolve(__dirname, '../../../locales'), updateFiles: false })}