

X-Element an agnostic non framework that enhances custom elements with functionality and data binding that mimics native custom element standards
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import { inc } from '';import { build, stop } from '';
const { readTextFile, writeTextFile } = Deno;
const pkg = JSON.parse(await readTextFile('./package.json'));pkg.version = inc(pkg.version, 'patch');await writeTextFile('./package.json', JSON.stringify(pkg, null, '\t'));
const { license, author, email, version } = pkg;
const banner = `/************************************************************************Name: XElementVersion: ${version}License: ${license}Author: ${author}Email: ${email}This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla PublicLicense, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with thisfile, You can obtain one at************************************************************************/`;
const result = await build({ minify: true, bundle: true, format: 'esm', target: 'es2020', treeShaking: true, platform: 'browser', banner: { js: banner }, outfile: './pro/out.js', tsconfig: './tsconfig.json', entryPoints: [ 'src/element/element.ts' ],});
// const file = await Deno.readTextFile('./src/element/element.ts');// const result = await transform(file, {// // entryPoints: [ 'src/element/element.ts' ],// loader: 'ts',// format: 'esm',// // bundle: true,// target: 'esnext',// platform: 'browser',// // banner: { js: banner },// // outfile: './pro/out.js',// tsconfigRaw: JSON.stringify({// "compilerOptions": {// "strict": true,// "removeComments": true,// "module": "ESNext",// "target": "ESNext",// "lib": [ "ESNext", "DOM", "DOM.Iterable" ],// }// })// });// Deno.writeTextFile('./pro/out.js', result.code);
await writeTextFile('./web/x-poly.js', await readTextFile('./pro/x-poly.js'));