The SpaceBudz wormhole contract. Moving from CIP-0025 to CIP-0068.
Official SpaceBudz Policy
Policy Id: 4523c5e21d409b81c95b45b0aea275b8ea1406e6cafea5583b9f8a5f
- Deno >= 1.28.1
import { Contract } from "https://deno.land/x/wormhole@1.0.1/mod.ts";
npm install @spacebudz/wormhole
Get started
import { Lucid, Blockfrost } from "https://deno.land/x/lucid@0.9.7/mod.ts";
import { Contract } from "https://deno.land/x/wormhole@1.0.1/mod.ts";
const lucid = await Lucid.new(new Blockfrost(...));
const contract = new Contract(lucid);
// Logging the SpaceBudz policy id
// Migrate SpaceBud #10
console.log(await contract.migrate([10]));
Compile contract
deno task build:contract
See requirements.
Bundle for NPM
deno task build
Outputs a dist
Lucid needs to be imported separately and is a peer dependency (version @0.9.6
Contract endpoints
migrate(ids: number[]): Promise<TxHash>
deployScripts(): Promise<TxHash>
burn(id: number): Promise<TxHash>
move(id: number): Promise<TxHash>
updateIp(url: string): Promise<Transaction>
updateRoyalty(royaltyRecipients: RoyaltyRecipient[]): Promise<Transaction>
getRoyalty(): Promise<RoyaltyRecipient[]>
getMetadata(id: number): Promise<Json>
hasMigrated(id: number): Promise<boolean>
getDeployedScripts(): Promise<{ mint: UTxO }>
How the wormhole works
In order to migrate a SpaceBud of the old collection, three outputs need to be created:
- Lock address holding the old SpaceBud
- Reference address holding the
reference NFT
with the metadata in the datum - Wallet address receives the
user NFT
that represent the new SpaceBud
The reference NFT
and user NFT
are minted during the transaction and need to follow the CIP-0068 (222) sub standard.
To validate metadata and correctness of the minted SpaceBud a merkle tree is used that contains 10,000 entries. Each entry is a sha2_256
hash of:
metadata hash + asset name of reference NFT + asset name of user NFT + asset name of single asset sent to Lock address
Only a small merkle tree proof needs to be brought on-chain to make sure a SpaceBud is minted correctly
Exceptions for Twin SpaceBudz
To keep integrity for the twins 1903
and 6413
(with quantity 2) some extra steps are required.
Important is that there exists only ever one reference NFT. In order to achieve this the reference NFTs including their respective metadata are preminted and locked in the script UTxO.
Whenever you migrate a twin you mint a mock reference NFT (with label 1), that doesn’t really have any functionality, but it allows to keep the existing contract logic as it is.
No unnecessary complexity and risk needs to be introduced into the contract.