class HelpersServiceimport { HelpersService } from ""; Static MethodsdatasetStorageTestConnection(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; storage?: string; }): CancelablePromise<any>Test connection to the workspace object storage deleteS3File(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; fileKey: string; storage?: string; }): CancelablePromise<any>Permanently delete file from S3 duckdbConnectionSettings(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; requestBody: { s3_resource?: S3Resource; }; }): CancelablePromise<{ connection_settings_str?: string; }>Converts an S3 resource to the set of instructions necessary to connect DuckDB to an S3 bucket duckdbConnectionSettingsV2(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; requestBody: { s3_resource_path?: string; }; }): CancelablePromise<{ connection_settings_str: string; }>Converts an S3 resource to the set of instructions necessary to connect DuckDB to an S3 bucket fileDownload(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; fileKey: string; s3ResourcePath?: string; resourceType?: string; storage?: string; }): CancelablePromise<Blob>Download file to S3 bucket fileDownloadParquetAsCsv(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; fileKey: string; s3ResourcePath?: string; resourceType?: string; }): CancelablePromise<string>Download file to S3 bucket fileUpload(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; requestBody: Blob; fileKey?: string; fileExtension?: string; s3ResourcePath?: string; resourceType?: string; storage?: string; }): CancelablePromise<{ file_key: string; }>Upload file to S3 bucket listStoredFiles(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; maxKeys: number; marker?: string; prefix?: string; storage?: string; }): CancelablePromise<{ next_marker?: string; windmill_large_files: Array<WindmillLargeFile>; restricted_access?: boolean; }>List the file keys available in a workspace object storage loadCsvPreview(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; path: string; offset?: number; limit?: number; sortCol?: string; sortDesc?: boolean; searchCol?: string; searchTerm?: string; storage?: string; csvSeparator?: string; }): CancelablePromise<any>Load a preview of a csv file loadFileMetadata(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; fileKey: string; storage?: string; }): CancelablePromise<WindmillFileMetadata>Load metadata of the file loadFilePreview(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; fileKey: string; fileSizeInBytes?: number; fileMimeType?: string; csvSeparator?: string; csvHasHeader?: boolean; readBytesFrom?: number; readBytesLength?: number; storage?: string; }): CancelablePromise<WindmillFilePreview>Load a preview of the file loadParquetPreview(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; path: string; offset?: number; limit?: number; sortCol?: string; sortDesc?: boolean; searchCol?: string; searchTerm?: string; storage?: string; }): CancelablePromise<any>Load a preview of a parquet file loadTableRowCount(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; path: string; searchCol?: string; searchTerm?: string; storage?: string; }): CancelablePromise<{ count?: number; }>Load the table row count moveS3File(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; srcFileKey: string; destFileKey: string; storage?: string; }): CancelablePromise<any>Move a S3 file from one path to the other within the same bucket polarsConnectionSettings(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; requestBody: { s3_resource?: S3Resource; }; }): CancelablePromise<{ endpoint_url: string; key?: string; secret?: string; use_ssl: boolean; cache_regions: boolean; client_kwargs: PolarsClientKwargs; }>Converts an S3 resource to the set of arguments necessary to connect Polars to an S3 bucket polarsConnectionSettingsV2(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; requestBody: { s3_resource_path?: string; }; }): CancelablePromise<{ s3fs_args: { endpoint_url: string; key?: string; secret?: string; use_ssl: boolean; cache_regions: boolean; client_kwargs: PolarsClientKwargs; }; storage_options: { aws_endpoint_url: string; aws_access_key_id?: string; aws_secret_access_key?: string; aws_region: string; aws_allow_http: string; }; }>Converts an S3 resource to the set of arguments necessary to connect Polars to an S3 bucket s3ResourceInfo(unnamed 0: { workspace: string; requestBody: { s3_resource_path?: string; }; }): CancelablePromise<S3Resource>Returns the s3 resource associated to the provided path, or the workspace default S3 resource