

A concise grammar of interactive graphics, built on Vega.
import {NonArgAggregateOp} from '../src/aggregate';import {DETAIL, X, Y} from '../src/channel';import * as log from '../src/log';import {ARC, AREA, BAR, PRIMITIVE_MARKS, RECT} from '../src/mark';import {ScaleType} from '../src/scale';import {NormalizedUnitSpec, TopLevel} from '../src/spec';import {stack, STACKABLE_MARKS, StackOffset, STACK_BY_DEFAULT_MARKS} from '../src/stack';
describe('stack', () => { const NON_STACKABLE_NON_POLAR_MARKS = [RECT]; const STACKABLE_NON_POLAR_MARKS = new Set([...STACKABLE_MARKS].filter(m => m != ARC)); const STACK_BY_DEFAULT_NON_POLAR_MARKS = new Set([...STACK_BY_DEFAULT_MARKS].filter(m => m != ARC));
it('should be disabled for non-stackable marks with at least one of the stack channel', () => { for (const nonStackableMark of NON_STACKABLE_NON_POLAR_MARKS) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: nonStackableMark, encoding: { x: {aggregate: 'sum', field: 'yield', type: 'quantitative'}, y: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } }; expect(stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding)).toBeNull(); } });
it('should be allowed for raw plot', () => { for (const mark of STACKABLE_NON_POLAR_MARKS) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: mark, encoding: { x: {field: 'yield', type: 'quantitative', stack: 'zero'}, y: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } }; const stackProps = stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding, undefined); expect(stackProps.fieldChannel).toBe('x'); } });
it('should be disabled when stack is false', () => { for (const mark of STACKABLE_NON_POLAR_MARKS) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: mark, encoding: { x: {aggregate: 'mean', field: 'yield', type: 'quantitative', stack: false}, y: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } }; const stackProps = stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding, undefined); expect(stackProps).toBeNull(); } });
it('should prioritize axis with stack', () => { for (const mark of STACKABLE_NON_POLAR_MARKS) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: mark, encoding: { x: {field: 'yield', type: 'quantitative', stack: 'zero'}, y: {field: 'variety', type: 'quantitative'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } }; const stackProps = stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding, undefined); expect(stackProps.fieldChannel).toBe('x'); } });
it('should always be disabled if the stackby channel is aggregated', () => { for (const s of [undefined, 'center', 'zero', 'normalize', null, 'none'] as StackOffset[]) { for (const mark of PRIMITIVE_MARKS) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: mark, encoding: { x: {aggregate: 'sum', field: 'yield', type: 'quantitative', stack: s}, y: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, color: {aggregate: 'count', type: 'quantitative'} } };
const _stack = stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding); expect(_stack).toBeNull(); } } });
it('can be enabled if one of the stackby channels is not aggregated', () => { for (const s of [undefined, 'center', 'zero', 'normalize'] as const) { const marks = s === undefined ? STACK_BY_DEFAULT_NON_POLAR_MARKS : STACKABLE_NON_POLAR_MARKS; for (const mark of marks) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: mark, encoding: { x: {aggregate: 'sum', field: 'yield', type: 'quantitative', stack: s}, y: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, color: {aggregate: 'count', type: 'quantitative'}, detail: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } };
const _stack = stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding, undefined); expect(_stack).toBeTruthy();
expect(_stack.stackBy[0].channel).toEqual(DETAIL); } } });
it('should not include tooltip in stackBy', () => { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: 'bar', encoding: { x: {aggregate: 'sum', field: 'yield', type: 'quantitative'}, y: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, detail: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'}, tooltip: {field: 'total_yield', type: 'nominal'} } };
const _stack = stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding, undefined); expect(_stack).toBeTruthy();
for (const stackBy of _stack.stackBy) { expect('tooltip'); } });
it('should always be disabled if both x and y are aggregate', () => { for (const mark of PRIMITIVE_MARKS) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: mark, encoding: { x: {aggregate: 'sum', field: 'yield', type: 'quantitative'}, y: {aggregate: 'count', type: 'quantitative'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } }; expect(stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding)).toBeNull(); } });
it('should always be disabled if neither x nor y is aggregate or stack', () => { for (const mark of PRIMITIVE_MARKS) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: mark, encoding: { x: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, y: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } }; expect(stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding)).toBeNull(); } });
it('should always be disabled if there is both x and x2', () => { for (const stacked of [undefined, 'center', 'zero', 'normalize'] as const) { const marks = stacked === undefined ? STACK_BY_DEFAULT_NON_POLAR_MARKS : STACKABLE_NON_POLAR_MARKS; for (const mark of marks) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { mark: mark, encoding: { x: {field: 'a', type: 'quantitative', aggregate: 'sum'}, x2: {field: 'a', aggregate: 'sum'}, y: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } }; expect(stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding)).toBeNull(); } } });
it('should always be disabled if there is both y and y2', () => { for (const stacked of [undefined, 'center', 'zero', 'normalize'] as const) { const marks = stacked === undefined ? STACK_BY_DEFAULT_NON_POLAR_MARKS : STACKABLE_NON_POLAR_MARKS; for (const mark of marks) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { mark: mark, encoding: { y: {field: 'a', type: 'quantitative', aggregate: 'sum'}, y2: {field: 'a', aggregate: 'sum'}, x: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } }; expect(stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding)).toBeNull(); } } });
it( 'should always warn if the aggregated axis has non-linear scale', log.wrap(localLogger => { for (const s of [undefined, 'center', 'zero', 'normalize'] as const) { for (const scaleType of [ScaleType.LOG, ScaleType.POW, ScaleType.SQRT]) { const marks = s === undefined ? STACK_BY_DEFAULT_NON_POLAR_MARKS : STACKABLE_NON_POLAR_MARKS; for (const mark of marks) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: mark, encoding: { x: {field: 'a', type: 'quantitative', aggregate: 'sum', stack: s, scale: {type: scaleType}}, y: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } }; expect(stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding)).not.toBeNull();
const warns = localLogger.warns; expect(warns[warns.length - 1]).toEqual(log.message.cannotStackNonLinearScale(scaleType)); } } } }) );
it('returns null if the aggregated axis has non-linear scale and disallowNonLinearStack = true', () => { for (const stacked of [undefined, 'center', 'zero', 'normalize'] as const) { for (const scaleType of [ScaleType.LOG, ScaleType.POW, ScaleType.SQRT]) { const marks = stacked === undefined ? STACK_BY_DEFAULT_NON_POLAR_MARKS : STACKABLE_NON_POLAR_MARKS; for (const mark of marks) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: mark, encoding: { x: {field: 'a', type: 'quantitative', aggregate: 'sum', scale: {type: scaleType}}, y: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } }; expect(stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding, {disallowNonLinearStack: true})).toBeNull(); } } } });
it( 'should throw warning if the aggregated axis has a non-summative aggregate', log.wrap(localLogger => { for (const stackOffset of [undefined, 'center', 'zero', 'normalize'] as const) { for (const aggregate of ['average', 'variance', 'q3'] as NonArgAggregateOp[]) { const marks = stackOffset === undefined ? STACK_BY_DEFAULT_NON_POLAR_MARKS : STACKABLE_NON_POLAR_MARKS; for (const mark of marks) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: mark, encoding: { x: { aggregate, stack: stackOffset, field: 'a', type: 'quantitative' }, y: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } };
stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding, undefined);
const warns = localLogger.warns; expect(warns[warns.length - 1]).toEqual(log.message.stackNonSummativeAggregate(aggregate)); } } } }) );
describe('stack().groupbyChannel, .fieldChannel', () => { it('should be correct for horizontal', () => { for (const stackableMark of [BAR, AREA]) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: stackableMark, encoding: { x: {aggregate: 'sum', field: 'yield', type: 'quantitative'}, y: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } }; const _stack = stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding, undefined); expect(_stack.fieldChannel).toBe(X); expect(_stack.groupbyChannel).toBe(Y); } });
it('should be correct for horizontal (single)', () => { for (const stackableMark of [BAR, AREA]) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: stackableMark, encoding: { x: {aggregate: 'sum', field: 'yield', type: 'quantitative'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } }; const _stack = stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding, undefined); expect(_stack.fieldChannel).toBe(X); expect(_stack.groupbyChannel).toBeUndefined(); } });
it('should be correct for vertical', () => { for (const stackableMark of [BAR, AREA]) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: stackableMark, encoding: { y: {aggregate: 'sum', field: 'yield', type: 'quantitative'}, x: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } }; const _stack = stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding, undefined); expect(_stack.fieldChannel).toBe(Y); expect(_stack.groupbyChannel).toBe(X); } });
it('should be correct for vertical (single)', () => { for (const stackableMark of [BAR, AREA]) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: stackableMark, encoding: { y: {aggregate: 'sum', field: 'yield', type: 'quantitative'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } }; const _stack = stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding, undefined); expect(_stack.fieldChannel).toBe(Y); expect(_stack.groupbyChannel).toBeUndefined(); } });
it('should be correct for pie', () => { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: 'arc', encoding: { theta: {field: 'field', type: 'quantitative'}, color: {field: 'id', type: 'nominal'} } }; const _stack = stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding, undefined); expect(_stack.fieldChannel).toBe('theta'); expect(_stack.stackBy[0].channel).toBe('color'); });
it('should be correct for radial chart', () => { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: 'arc', encoding: { theta: {field: 'field', type: 'quantitative', stack: true}, radius: { field: 'field', type: 'quantitative', scale: {type: 'sqrt', zero: true, range: [20, 100]} } } }; const _stack = stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding, undefined); expect(_stack.fieldChannel).toBe('theta'); }); });
describe('stack().offset', () => { it('should be zero for stackable marks with at least of of the stack channel if stacked is unspecified or true', () => { for (const s of [undefined, true]) { for (const stackableMark of [BAR, AREA]) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: stackableMark, encoding: { x: {aggregate: 'sum', field: 'yield', type: 'quantitative', stack: s}, y: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } }; expect(stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding, undefined).offset).toBe('zero'); } } });
it('should be the specified stacked for stackable marks with at least one of the stack channel', () => { for (const s of ['center', 'zero', 'normalize'] as const) { for (const stackableMark of [BAR, AREA]) { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: stackableMark, encoding: { x: {aggregate: 'sum', field: 'yield', type: 'quantitative', stack: s}, y: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } }; expect(stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding).offset).toEqual(s); } } });
it('should impute area', () => { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: 'area', encoding: { x: {aggregate: 'sum', field: 'yield', type: 'quantitative', stack: 'zero'}, y: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } }; expect(stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding).impute).toBeTruthy(); });
it('should allow disabling of imputation', () => { const spec: TopLevel<NormalizedUnitSpec> = { data: {url: 'data/barley.json'}, mark: 'area', encoding: { x: {aggregate: 'sum', field: 'yield', type: 'quantitative', stack: 'zero', impute: null}, y: {field: 'variety', type: 'nominal'}, color: {field: 'site', type: 'nominal'} } }; expect(stack(spec.mark, spec.encoding).impute).toBeFalsy(); }); });});