

A concise grammar of interactive graphics, built on Vega.
/* eslint-disable jest/expect-expect */
import {assert} from 'chai';import {Page} from 'puppeteer';import {bound, brush, compositeTypes, embedFn, parentSelector, spec, testRenderFn, tuples, unbound} from './util';
declare const page: Page;
const hits = { zoom: [9, 23], bins: [8, 2]};
type InOut = 'in' | 'out';
function zoom(key: string, idx: number, direction: InOut, parent?: string, targetBrush?: boolean) { const delta = direction === 'out' ? 200 : -200; return `zoom(${hits[key][idx]}, ${delta}, ${parent}, ${targetBrush})`;}
const cmp = (a: number, b: number) => a - b;
for (const bind of [bound, unbound]) { describe(`Zoom ${bind} interval selections at runtime`, () => { beforeAll(async () => { await page.goto(''); });
const type = 'interval'; const embed = embedFn(page); const testRender = testRenderFn(page, `interval/zoom/${bind}`); const binding = bind === bound ? {bind: 'scales'} : {};
const assertExtent = { in: ['isAtLeast', 'isAtMost'], out: ['isAtMost', 'isAtLeast'] };
async function setup(brushKey: string, idx: number, encodings: string[], parent?: string) { const inOut: InOut = idx % 2 ? 'out' : 'in'; let xold: number[]; let yold: number[];
if (bind === unbound) { const drag = (await page.evaluate(brush(brushKey, idx, parent)))[0]; xold = drag.values[0].sort(cmp); yold = encodings.indexOf('y') >= 0 ? drag.values[encodings.indexOf('x') + 1].sort(cmp) : null; } else { xold = JSON.parse((await page.evaluate('JSON.stringify(view._runtime.scales.x.value.domain())')) as string); yold = (await page.evaluate('view._runtime.scales.y.value.domain()')) as number[]; }
return {inOut, xold, yold}; }
it('should zoom in and out', async () => { for (let i = 0; i < hits.zoom.length; i++) { await embed(spec('unit', i, {type, ...binding})); const {inOut, xold, yold} = await setup('drag', i, ['x', 'y']); await testRender(`${inOut}-0`);
const zoomed = (await page.evaluate(zoom('zoom', i, inOut, null, bind === unbound)))[0]; const xnew = zoomed.values[0].sort(cmp); const ynew = zoomed.values[1].sort(cmp); await testRender(`${inOut}-1`); assert[assertExtent[inOut][0]](xnew[0], xold[0]); assert[assertExtent[inOut][1]](xnew[1], xold[1]); assert[assertExtent[inOut][0]](ynew[0], yold[0]); assert[assertExtent[inOut][1]](ynew[1], yold[1]); } });
it('should work with binned domains', async () => { for (let i = 0; i < hits.bins.length; i++) { const encodings = ['y']; await embed( spec( 'unit', 1, {type, ...binding, encodings}, { x: {aggregate: 'count', type: 'quantitative'}, y: {bin: true}, color: {value: 'steelblue', field: null, type: null} } ) );
const {inOut, yold} = await setup('bins', i, encodings); await testRender(`bins_${inOut}-0`);
const zoomed = (await page.evaluate(zoom('bins', i, inOut, null, bind === unbound)))[0]; const ynew = zoomed.values[0].sort(cmp); assert[assertExtent[inOut][0]](ynew[0], yold[0]); assert[assertExtent[inOut][1]](ynew[1], yold[1]); await testRender(`bins_${inOut}-1`); } });
it('should work with temporal domains', async () => { const values = => ({...d, a: new Date(2017, d.a)})); const encodings = ['x'];
for (let i = 0; i < hits.zoom.length; i++) { await embed(spec('unit', i, {type, ...binding, encodings}, {values, x: {type: 'temporal'}})); const {inOut, xold} = await setup('drag', i, encodings); await testRender(`temporal_${inOut}-0`);
const zoomed = (await page.evaluate(zoom('zoom', i, inOut, null, bind === unbound)))[0]; const xnew = zoomed.values[0].sort(cmp); assert[assertExtent[inOut][0]](+xnew[0], +new Date(xold[0])); assert[assertExtent[inOut][1]](+xnew[1], +new Date(xold[1])); await testRender(`temporal_${inOut}-1`); } });
it('should work with log/pow scales', async () => { for (let i = 0; i < hits.zoom.length; i++) { await embed( spec( 'unit', i, {type, ...binding}, { x: {scale: {type: 'pow', exponent: 1.5}}, y: {scale: {type: 'log'}} } ) ); const {inOut, xold, yold} = await setup('drag', i, ['x', 'y']); await testRender(`logpow_${inOut}-0`);
const zoomed = (await page.evaluate(zoom('zoom', i, inOut, null, bind === unbound)))[0]; const xnew = zoomed.values[0].sort(cmp); const ynew = zoomed.values[1].sort(cmp); assert[assertExtent[inOut][0]](xnew[0], xold[0]); assert[assertExtent[inOut][1]](xnew[1], xold[1]); assert[assertExtent[inOut][0]](ynew[0], yold[0]); assert[assertExtent[inOut][1]](ynew[1], yold[1]); await testRender(`logpow_${inOut}-1`); } });
if (bind === unbound) { it('should work with ordinal/nominal domains', async () => { for (let i = 0; i < hits.zoom.length; i++) { await embed( spec( 'unit', i, {type, ...binding}, { x: {type: 'ordinal'}, y: {type: 'nominal'} } ) ); const {inOut, xold, yold} = await setup('drag', i, ['x', 'y']); await testRender(`ord_${inOut}-0`);
const zoomed = (await page.evaluate(zoom('zoom', i, inOut, null, bind === unbound)))[0]; const xnew = zoomed.values[0].sort(cmp); const ynew = zoomed.values[1].sort(cmp);
if (inOut === 'in') { expect(xnew.length).toBeLessThanOrEqual(xold.length); expect(ynew.length).toBeLessThanOrEqual(yold.length); } else { expect(xnew.length).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(xold.length); expect(ynew.length).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(yold.length); }
await testRender(`ord_${inOut}-1`); } }); } else { for (const specType of compositeTypes) { it(`should work with shared scales in ${specType} views`, async () => { for (let i = 0; i < hits.bins.length; i++) { await embed(spec(specType, 0, {type, ...binding}, {resolve: {scale: {x: 'shared', y: 'shared'}}})); const parent = parentSelector(specType, i); const {inOut, xold, yold} = await setup(specType, i, ['x', 'y'], parent); const zoomed = (await page.evaluate(zoom('bins', i, inOut, null, bind === unbound)))[0]; const xnew = zoomed.values[0].sort(cmp); const ynew = zoomed.values[1].sort(cmp); assert[assertExtent[inOut][0]](xnew[0], xold[0]); assert[assertExtent[inOut][1]](xnew[1], xold[1]); assert[assertExtent[inOut][0]](ynew[0], yold[0]); assert[assertExtent[inOut][1]](ynew[1], yold[1]); await testRender(`${specType}_${inOut}`); } }); } } });}