

A concise grammar of interactive graphics, built on Vega.
import {isArray} from 'vega-util';import {NonArgAggregateOp} from './aggregate';import {FieldName} from './channeldef';import {DateTime} from './datetime';
export type SortOrder = 'ascending' | 'descending';
/** * A sort definition for transform */export interface SortField { /** * The name of the field to sort. */ field: FieldName;
/** * Whether to sort the field in ascending or descending order. One of `"ascending"` (default), `"descending"`, or `null` (no not sort). */ order?: SortOrder | null;}
export interface SortFields { field: FieldName[]; order?: SortOrder[];}
export const DEFAULT_SORT_OP = 'min';
/** * A sort definition for sorting a discrete scale in an encoding field definition. */
export interface EncodingSortField<F> { /** * The data [field]( to sort by. * * __Default value:__ If unspecified, defaults to the field specified in the outer data reference. */ field?: F; // Field is optional because `"op": "count"` does not require a field. /** * An [aggregate operation]( to perform on the field prior to sorting (e.g., `"count"`, `"mean"` and `"median"`). * An aggregation is required when there are multiple values of the sort field for each encoded data field. * The input data objects will be aggregated, grouped by the encoded data field. * * For a full list of operations, please see the documentation for [aggregate]( * * __Default value:__ `"sum"` for stacked plots. Otherwise, `"min"`. */ op?: NonArgAggregateOp;
/** * The sort order. One of `"ascending"` (default), `"descending"`, or `null` (no not sort). */ order?: SortOrder | null;}
export interface SortByEncoding { /** * The [encoding channel]( to sort by (e.g., `"x"`, `"y"`) */ encoding: SortByChannel;
/** * The sort order. One of `"ascending"` (default), `"descending"`, or `null` (no not sort). */ order?: SortOrder | null;}
export type SortArray = number[] | string[] | boolean[] | DateTime[];
const SORT_BY_CHANNEL_INDEX = { x: 1, y: 1, color: 1, fill: 1, stroke: 1, strokeWidth: 1, size: 1, shape: 1, fillOpacity: 1, strokeOpacity: 1, opacity: 1, text: 1} as const;
export type SortByChannel = keyof typeof SORT_BY_CHANNEL_INDEX;
export function isSortByChannel(c: string): c is SortByChannel { return c in SORT_BY_CHANNEL_INDEX;}
export type SortByChannelDesc = | '-x' | '-y' | '-color' | '-fill' | '-stroke' | '-strokeWidth' | '-size' | '-shape' | '-fillOpacity' | '-strokeOpacity' | '-opacity' | '-text';
export type AllSortString = SortOrder | SortByChannel | SortByChannelDesc;
export type Sort<F> = SortArray | AllSortString | EncodingSortField<F> | SortByEncoding | null;
export function isSortByEncoding<F>(sort: Sort<F>): sort is SortByEncoding { return !!sort && !!sort['encoding'];}
export function isSortField<F>(sort: Sort<F>): sort is EncodingSortField<F> { return !!sort && (sort['op'] === 'count' || !!sort['field']);}
export function isSortArray<F>(sort: Sort<F>): sort is SortArray { return !!sort && isArray(sort);}