

A concise grammar of interactive graphics, built on Vega.
import {Binding, Expr, InitSignal, NewSignal} from 'vega-typings/types';
export interface Parameter { /** * Required. A unique name for the parameter. Parameter names should be valid JavaScript identifiers: they should contain only alphanumeric characters (or “$”, or “_”) and may not start with a digit. Reserved keywords that may not be used as parameter names are "datum", "event", "item", and "parent". */ name: string;
/** * A text description of the parameter, useful for inline documentation. */ description?: string;
/** * The initial value of the parameter. * * __Default value:__ `undefined` */ value?: any;
/** * An expression for the value of the parameter. This expression may include other parameters, in which case the parameter will automatically update in response to upstream parameter changes. */ expr?: Expr;
/** * Binds the parameter to an external input element such as a slider, selection list or radio button group. */ bind?: Binding;}
export function assembleParameterSignals(params: Parameter[]) { const signals: (NewSignal | InitSignal)[] = []; for (const param of params || []) { const {expr, bind,} = param;
if (bind && expr) { // Vega's InitSignal -- apply expr to "init" const signal: InitSignal = {, bind, init: expr }; signals.push(signal); } else { const signal: NewSignal = {, ...(expr ? {update: expr} : {}), ...(bind ? {bind} : {}) }; signals.push(signal); } } return signals;}