

A concise grammar of interactive graphics, built on Vega.
import { BaseLegend, LabelOverlap, Legend as VgLegend, LegendConfig as VgLegendConfig, LegendOrient, Orientation, SignalRef} from 'vega';import {DateTime} from './datetime';import {ExprRef} from './expr';import {Guide, GuideEncodingEntry, VlOnlyGuideConfig} from './guide';import {Flag, keys} from './util';import {MapExcludeValueRefAndReplaceSignalWith} from './vega.schema';
export const LEGEND_SCALE_CHANNELS = [ 'size', 'shape', 'fill', 'stroke', 'strokeDash', 'strokeWidth', 'opacity'] as const;
type BaseLegendNoValueRefs<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef> = MapExcludeValueRefAndReplaceSignalWith<BaseLegend, ES>;
export type LegendConfig<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef> = LegendMixins<ES> & VlOnlyGuideConfig & MapExcludeValueRefAndReplaceSignalWith<VgLegendConfig, ES> & { /** * Max legend length for a vertical gradient when `config.legend.gradientLength` is undefined. * * __Default value:__ `200` */ gradientVerticalMaxLength?: number;
/** * Min legend length for a vertical gradient when `config.legend.gradientLength` is undefined. * * __Default value:__ `100` */ gradientVerticalMinLength?: number;
/** * Max legend length for a horizontal gradient when `config.legend.gradientLength` is undefined. * * __Default value:__ `200` */ gradientHorizontalMaxLength?: number;
/** * Min legend length for a horizontal gradient when `config.legend.gradientLength` is undefined. * * __Default value:__ `100` */ gradientHorizontalMinLength?: number;
/** * The length in pixels of the primary axis of a color gradient. This value corresponds to the height of a vertical gradient or the width of a horizontal gradient. * * __Default value:__ `undefined`. If `undefined`, the default gradient will be determined based on the following rules: * - For vertical gradients, `clamp(plot_height, gradientVerticalMinLength, gradientVerticalMaxLength)` * - For top-`orient`ed or bottom-`orient`ed horizontal gradients, `clamp(plot_width, gradientHorizontalMinLength, gradientHorizontalMaxLength)` * - For other horizontal gradients, `gradientHorizontalMinLength` * * where `clamp(value, min, max)` restricts _value_ to be between the specified _min_ and _max_. * @minimum 0 */ gradientLength?: number;
/** * The opacity of unselected legend entries. * * __Default value:__ 0.35. */ unselectedOpacity?: number;
/** * Disable legend by default */ disable?: boolean; };
/** * Properties of a legend or boolean flag for determining whether to show it. */export interface Legend<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef> extends Omit<BaseLegendNoValueRefs<ES>, 'orient'>, LegendMixins<ES>, Guide { /** * Mark definitions for custom legend encoding. * * @hidden */ encoding?: LegendEncoding;
/** * [Vega expression]( for customizing labels. * * __Note:__ The label text and value can be assessed via the `label` and `value` properties of the legend's backing `datum` object. */ labelExpr?: string;
/** * The minimum desired step between legend ticks, in terms of scale domain values. For example, a value of `1` indicates that ticks should not be less than 1 unit apart. If `tickMinStep` is specified, the `tickCount` value will be adjusted, if necessary, to enforce the minimum step value. * * __Default value__: `undefined` */ tickMinStep?: number | ES;
/** * Explicitly set the visible legend values. */ values?: number[] | string[] | boolean[] | DateTime[] | ES; // Vega already supports Signal -- we have to re-declare here since VL supports special Date Time object that's not valid in Vega.
/** * The type of the legend. Use `"symbol"` to create a discrete legend and `"gradient"` for a continuous color gradient. * * __Default value:__ `"gradient"` for non-binned quantitative fields and temporal fields; `"symbol"` otherwise. */ type?: 'symbol' | 'gradient';
/** * A non-negative integer indicating the z-index of the legend. * If zindex is 0, legend should be drawn behind all chart elements. * To put them in front, use zindex = 1. * * @TJS-type integer * @minimum 0 */ zindex?: number;}
// Change comments to be Vega-Lite specificinterface LegendMixins<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef> { /** * The strategy to use for resolving overlap of labels in gradient legends. If `false`, no overlap reduction is attempted. If set to `true` or `"parity"`, a strategy of removing every other label is used. If set to `"greedy"`, a linear scan of the labels is performed, removing any label that overlaps with the last visible label (this often works better for log-scaled axes). * * __Default value:__ `"greedy"` for `log scales otherwise `true`. */ labelOverlap?: LabelOverlap | ES; // override comment since our default differs from Vega
/** * The direction of the legend, one of `"vertical"` or `"horizontal"`. * * __Default value:__ * - For top-/bottom-`orient`ed legends, `"horizontal"` * - For left-/right-`orient`ed legends, `"vertical"` * - For top/bottom-left/right-`orient`ed legends, `"horizontal"` for gradient legends and `"vertical"` for symbol legends. */ direction?: Orientation; // Omit SignalRef
/** * The orientation of the legend, which determines how the legend is positioned within the scene. One of `"left"`, `"right"`, `"top"`, `"bottom"`, `"top-left"`, `"top-right"`, `"bottom-left"`, `"bottom-right"`, `"none"`. * * __Default value:__ `"right"` */ orient?: LegendOrient; // Omit SignalRef}
export type LegendInternal = Legend<SignalRef>;
export interface LegendEncoding { /** * Custom encoding for the legend container. * This can be useful for creating legend with custom x, y position. */ legend?: GuideEncodingEntry;
/** * Custom encoding for the legend title text mark. */ title?: GuideEncodingEntry;
/** * Custom encoding for legend label text marks. */ labels?: GuideEncodingEntry;
/** * Custom encoding for legend symbol marks. */ symbols?: GuideEncodingEntry;
/** * Custom encoding for legend gradient filled rect marks. */ gradient?: GuideEncodingEntry;}
export const defaultLegendConfig: LegendConfig<SignalRef> = { gradientHorizontalMaxLength: 200, gradientHorizontalMinLength: 100, gradientVerticalMaxLength: 200, gradientVerticalMinLength: 64, // This is Vega's minimum. unselectedOpacity: 0.35};
export const COMMON_LEGEND_PROPERTY_INDEX: Flag<keyof (VgLegend | Legend<any>)> = { aria: 1, clipHeight: 1, columnPadding: 1, columns: 1, cornerRadius: 1, description: 1, direction: 1, fillColor: 1, format: 1, formatType: 1, gradientLength: 1, gradientOpacity: 1, gradientStrokeColor: 1, gradientStrokeWidth: 1, gradientThickness: 1, gridAlign: 1, labelAlign: 1, labelBaseline: 1, labelColor: 1, labelFont: 1, labelFontSize: 1, labelFontStyle: 1, labelFontWeight: 1, labelLimit: 1, labelOffset: 1, labelOpacity: 1, labelOverlap: 1, labelPadding: 1, labelSeparation: 1, legendX: 1, legendY: 1, offset: 1, orient: 1, padding: 1, rowPadding: 1, strokeColor: 1, symbolDash: 1, symbolDashOffset: 1, symbolFillColor: 1, symbolLimit: 1, symbolOffset: 1, symbolOpacity: 1, symbolSize: 1, symbolStrokeColor: 1, symbolStrokeWidth: 1, symbolType: 1, tickCount: 1, tickMinStep: 1, title: 1, titleAlign: 1, titleAnchor: 1, titleBaseline: 1, titleColor: 1, titleFont: 1, titleFontSize: 1, titleFontStyle: 1, titleFontWeight: 1, titleLimit: 1, titleLineHeight: 1, titleOpacity: 1, titleOrient: 1, titlePadding: 1, type: 1, values: 1, zindex: 1};