

A concise grammar of interactive graphics, built on Vega.
import {Align, Color, FontStyle, FontWeight, Orient, SignalRef, TextBaseline, TitleAnchor, TitleConfig} from 'vega';import {ExprRef} from './expr';import {FormatMixins, Guide, VlOnlyGuideConfig} from './guide';import {Flag, keys} from './util';
export const HEADER_TITLE_PROPERTIES_MAP: Partial<Record<keyof CoreHeader<any>, keyof TitleConfig>> = { titleAlign: 'align', titleAnchor: 'anchor', titleAngle: 'angle', titleBaseline: 'baseline', titleColor: 'color', titleFont: 'font', titleFontSize: 'fontSize', titleFontStyle: 'fontStyle', titleFontWeight: 'fontWeight', titleLimit: 'limit', titleLineHeight: 'lineHeight', titleOrient: 'orient', titlePadding: 'offset'};
export const HEADER_LABEL_PROPERTIES_MAP: Partial<Record<keyof CoreHeader<any>, keyof TitleConfig>> = { labelAlign: 'align', labelAnchor: 'anchor', labelAngle: 'angle', labelBaseline: 'baseline', labelColor: 'color', labelFont: 'font', labelFontSize: 'fontSize', labelFontStyle: 'fontStyle', labelFontWeight: 'fontWeight', labelLimit: 'limit', labelLineHeight: 'lineHeight', labelOrient: 'orient', labelPadding: 'offset'};
export interface CoreHeader<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef> extends FormatMixins { // ---------- Title ---------- /** * The anchor position for placing the title. One of `"start"`, `"middle"`, or `"end"`. For example, with an orientation of top these anchor positions map to a left-, center-, or right-aligned title. */ titleAnchor?: TitleAnchor; // We don't allow signal for titleAnchor since there is a dependent logic
/** * Horizontal text alignment (to the anchor) of header titles. */ titleAlign?: Align | ES;
/** * The rotation angle of the header title. * * __Default value:__ `0`. * * @minimum -360 * @maximum 360 */ titleAngle?: number; // We don't allow signal for titleAngle since there is a dependent logic
/** * The vertical text baseline for the header title. One of `"alphabetic"` (default), `"top"`, `"middle"`, `"bottom"`, `"line-top"`, or `"line-bottom"`. * The `"line-top"` and `"line-bottom"` values operate similarly to `"top"` and `"bottom"`, but are calculated relative to the `titleLineHeight` rather than `titleFontSize` alone. * * __Default value:__ `"middle"` */ titleBaseline?: TextBaseline | ES;
/** * Color of the header title, can be in hex color code or regular color name. */ titleColor?: Color | ES;
/** * Font of the header title. (e.g., `"Helvetica Neue"`). */ titleFont?: string | ES;
/** * Font size of the header title. * * @minimum 0 */ titleFontSize?: number | ES;
/** * The font style of the header title. */ titleFontStyle?: FontStyle | ES;
/** * Font weight of the header title. * This can be either a string (e.g `"bold"`, `"normal"`) or a number (`100`, `200`, `300`, ..., `900` where `"normal"` = `400` and `"bold"` = `700`). */ titleFontWeight?: FontWeight | ES;
/** * The maximum length of the header title in pixels. The text value will be automatically truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit. * * __Default value:__ `0`, indicating no limit */ titleLimit?: number | ES;
/** * Line height in pixels for multi-line header title text or title text with `"line-top"` or `"line-bottom"` baseline. */ titleLineHeight?: number | ES;
/** * The orientation of the header title. One of `"top"`, `"bottom"`, `"left"` or `"right"`. */ titleOrient?: Orient;
/** * The padding, in pixel, between facet header's title and the label. * * __Default value:__ `10` */ titlePadding?: number | ES;
// ---------- Label ----------
/** * A boolean flag indicating if labels should be included as part of the header. * * __Default value:__ `true`. */ labels?: boolean;
/** * Horizontal text alignment of header labels. One of `"left"`, `"center"`, or `"right"`. */ labelAlign?: Align | ES;
/** * The vertical text baseline for the header labels. One of `"alphabetic"` (default), `"top"`, `"middle"`, `"bottom"`, `"line-top"`, or `"line-bottom"`. * The `"line-top"` and `"line-bottom"` values operate similarly to `"top"` and `"bottom"`, but are calculated relative to the `titleLineHeight` rather than `titleFontSize` alone. * */ labelBaseline?: TextBaseline | ES;
/** * The anchor position for placing the labels. One of `"start"`, `"middle"`, or `"end"`. For example, with a label orientation of top these anchor positions map to a left-, center-, or right-aligned label. */ labelAnchor?: TitleAnchor;
/** * [Vega expression]( for customizing labels. * * __Note:__ The label text and value can be assessed via the `label` and `value` properties of the header's backing `datum` object. */ labelExpr?: string;
/** * The rotation angle of the header labels. * * __Default value:__ `0` for column header, `-90` for row header. * * @minimum -360 * @maximum 360 */ labelAngle?: number; // no signal ref since there is a dependent logic
/** * The color of the header label, can be in hex color code or regular color name. */ labelColor?: Color | ES;
/** * The font of the header label. */ labelFont?: string | ES;
/** * The font size of the header label, in pixels. * * @minimum 0 */ labelFontSize?: number | ES;
/** * The font style of the header label. */ labelFontStyle?: FontStyle | ES;
/** * The font weight of the header label. */ labelFontWeight?: FontWeight | ES;
/** * The maximum length of the header label in pixels. The text value will be automatically truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit. * * __Default value:__ `0`, indicating no limit */ labelLimit?: number | ES;
/** * Line height in pixels for multi-line header labels or title text with `"line-top"` or `"line-bottom"` baseline. */ labelLineHeight?: number | ES;
/** * The orientation of the header label. One of `"top"`, `"bottom"`, `"left"` or `"right"`. */ labelOrient?: Orient; // no signal ref since there is a dependent logic
/** * The padding, in pixel, between facet header's label and the plot. * * __Default value:__ `10` */ labelPadding?: number | ES;
/** * Shortcut for setting both labelOrient and titleOrient. */ orient?: Orient; // no signal ref since there is a dependent logic}
export interface HeaderConfig<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef> extends CoreHeader<ES>, VlOnlyGuideConfig {}
/** * Headers of row / column channels for faceted plots. */export interface Header<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef> extends CoreHeader<ES>, Guide {}
export interface HeaderConfigMixins<ES extends ExprRef | SignalRef> { /** * Header configuration, which determines default properties for all [headers]( * * For a full list of header configuration options, please see the [corresponding section of in the header documentation]( */ header?: HeaderConfig<ES>;
/** * Header configuration, which determines default properties for row [headers]( * * For a full list of header configuration options, please see the [corresponding section of in the header documentation]( */ headerRow?: HeaderConfig<ES>;
/** * Header configuration, which determines default properties for column [headers]( * * For a full list of header configuration options, please see the [corresponding section of in the header documentation]( */ headerColumn?: HeaderConfig<ES>;
/** * Header configuration, which determines default properties for non-row/column facet [headers]( * * For a full list of header configuration options, please see the [corresponding section of in the header documentation]( */ headerFacet?: HeaderConfig<ES>;}
const HEADER_CONFIGS_INDEX: Flag<keyof HeaderConfigMixins<any>> = { header: 1, headerRow: 1, headerColumn: 1, headerFacet: 1};