

A concise grammar of interactive graphics, built on Vega.
// DateTime definition object
import {isNumber, isObject} from 'vega-util';import * as log from './log';import {TIMEUNIT_PARTS} from './timeunit';import {duplicate, isNumeric, keys} from './util';
/** * @minimum 1 * @maximum 12 * @TJS-type integer */export type Month = number;
/** * @minimum 1 * @maximum 7 */export type Day = number;
/** * Object for defining datetime in Vega-Lite Filter. * If both month and quarter are provided, month has higher precedence. * `day` cannot be combined with other date. * We accept string for month and day names. */export interface DateTime { /** * Integer value representing the year. * @TJS-type integer */ year?: number;
/** * Integer value representing the quarter of the year (from 1-4). * @minimum 1 * @maximum 4 * @TJS-type integer */ quarter?: number;
/** * One of: * (1) integer value representing the month from `1`-`12`. `1` represents January; * (2) case-insensitive month name (e.g., `"January"`); * (3) case-insensitive, 3-character short month name (e.g., `"Jan"`). */ month?: Month | string;
/** * Integer value representing the date (day of the month) from 1-31. * @minimum 1 * @maximum 31 * @TJS-type integer */ date?: number;
/** * Value representing the day of a week. This can be one of: * (1) integer value -- `1` represents Monday; * (2) case-insensitive day name (e.g., `"Monday"`); * (3) case-insensitive, 3-character short day name (e.g., `"Mon"`). * * **Warning:** A DateTime definition object with `day`** should not be combined with `year`, `quarter`, `month`, or `date`. */ day?: Day | string;
/** * Integer value representing the hour of a day from 0-23. * @minimum 0 * @maximum 24 * @TJS-type integer */ hours?: number;
/** * Integer value representing the minute segment of time from 0-59. * @minimum 0 * @maximum 60 * @TJS-type integer */ minutes?: number;
/** * Integer value representing the second segment (0-59) of a time value * @minimum 0 * @maximum 60 * @TJS-type integer */ seconds?: number;
/** * Integer value representing the millisecond segment of time. * @minimum 0 * @maximum 1000 * @TJS-type integer */ milliseconds?: number;
/** * A boolean flag indicating if date time is in utc time. If false, the date time is in local time */ utc?: boolean;}
/** * Internal Object for defining datetime expressions. * This is an expression version of DateTime. * If both month and quarter are provided, month has higher precedence. * `day` cannot be combined with other date. */export interface DateTimeExpr { year?: string; quarter?: string; month?: string; date?: string; day?: string; hours?: string; minutes?: string; seconds?: string; milliseconds?: string; utc?: boolean;}
export function isDateTime(o: any): o is DateTime { if (o && isObject(o)) { for (const part of TIMEUNIT_PARTS) { if (part in o) { return true; } } } return false;}
export const MONTHS = [ 'january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may', 'june', 'july', 'august', 'september', 'october', 'november', 'december'];export const SHORT_MONTHS = => m.substr(0, 3));
export const DAYS = ['sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday'];export const SHORT_DAYS = => d.substr(0, 3));
function normalizeQuarter(q: number | string): number { if (isNumeric(q)) { q = +q; }
if (isNumber(q)) { if (q > 4) { log.warn(log.message.invalidTimeUnit('quarter', q)); } // We accept 1-based quarter, so need to readjust to 0-based quarter return q - 1; } else { // Invalid quarter throw new Error(log.message.invalidTimeUnit('quarter', q)); }}
function normalizeMonth(m: string | number): number { if (isNumeric(m)) { m = +m; }
if (isNumber(m)) { // We accept 1-based month, so need to readjust to 0-based month return m - 1; } else { const lowerM = m.toLowerCase(); const monthIndex = MONTHS.indexOf(lowerM); if (monthIndex !== -1) { return monthIndex; // 0 for january, ... } const shortM = lowerM.substr(0, 3); const shortMonthIndex = SHORT_MONTHS.indexOf(shortM); if (shortMonthIndex !== -1) { return shortMonthIndex; }
// Invalid month throw new Error(log.message.invalidTimeUnit('month', m)); }}
function normalizeDay(d: string | number): number { if (isNumeric(d)) { d = +d; }
if (isNumber(d)) { // mod so that this can be both 0-based where 0 = sunday // and 1-based where 7=sunday return d % 7; } else { const lowerD = d.toLowerCase(); const dayIndex = DAYS.indexOf(lowerD); if (dayIndex !== -1) { return dayIndex; // 0 for january, ... } const shortD = lowerD.substr(0, 3); const shortDayIndex = SHORT_DAYS.indexOf(shortD); if (shortDayIndex !== -1) { return shortDayIndex; } // Invalid day throw new Error(log.message.invalidTimeUnit('day', d)); }}
/** * @param d the date. * @param normalize whether to normalize quarter, month, day. This should probably be true if d is a DateTime. * @returns array of date time parts [year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds] */function dateTimeParts(d: DateTime | DateTimeExpr, normalize: boolean) { const parts: (string | number)[] = [];
if (normalize && !== undefined) { if (keys(d).length > 1) { log.warn(log.message.droppedDay(d)); d = duplicate(d); delete; } }
if (d.year !== undefined) { parts.push(d.year); } else { // Just like Vega's timeunit transform, set default year to 2012, so domain conversion will be compatible with Vega // Note: 2012 is a leap year (and so the date February 29 is respected) that begins on a Sunday (and so days of the week will order properly at the beginning of the year). parts.push(2012); }
if (d.month !== undefined) { const month = normalize ? normalizeMonth(d.month) : d.month; parts.push(month); } else if (d.quarter !== undefined) { const quarter = normalize ? normalizeQuarter(d.quarter) : d.quarter; parts.push(isNumber(quarter) ? quarter * 3 : quarter + '*3'); } else { parts.push(0); // months start at zero in JS }
if ( !== undefined) { parts.push(; } else if ( !== undefined) { // HACK: Day only works as a standalone unit // This is only correct because we always set year to 2006 for day const day = normalize ? normalizeDay( :; parts.push(isNumber(day) ? day + 1 : day + '+1'); } else { parts.push(1); // Date starts at 1 in JS }
// Note: can't use TimeUnit enum here as importing it will create // circular dependency problem! for (const timeUnit of ['hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'milliseconds'] as const) { const unit = d[timeUnit]; parts.push(typeof unit === 'undefined' ? 0 : unit); }
return parts;}
/** * Return Vega expression for a date time. * * @param d the date time. * @returns the Vega expression. */export function dateTimeToExpr(d: DateTime) { const parts: (string | number)[] = dateTimeParts(d, true);
const string = parts.join(', ');
if (d.utc) { return `utc(${string})`; } else { return `datetime(${string})`; }}
/** * Return Vega expression for a date time expression. * * @param d the internal date time object with expression. * @returns the Vega expression. */export function dateTimeExprToExpr(d: DateTimeExpr) { const parts: (string | number)[] = dateTimeParts(d, false);
const string = parts.join(', ');
if (d.utc) { return `utc(${string})`; } else { return `datetime(${string})`; }}
/** * @param d the date time. * @returns the timestamp. */export function dateTimeToTimestamp(d: DateTime) { const parts: (string | number)[] = dateTimeParts(d, true);
if (d.utc) { return +new Date(Date.UTC(...(parts as [any, any]))); } else { return +new Date(...(parts as [any])); }}