

A concise grammar of interactive graphics, built on Vega.
/* * Constants and utilities for data. */import {Vector2} from 'vega';import {FieldName} from './channeldef';import {VgData} from './vega.schema';
export type ParseValue = null | string | 'string' | 'boolean' | 'date' | 'number';
export interface Parse { [field: string]: ParseValue;}
export interface DataFormatBase { /** * If set to `null`, disable type inference based on the spec and only use type inference based on the data. * Alternatively, a parsing directive object can be provided for explicit data types. Each property of the object corresponds to a field name, and the value to the desired data type (one of `"number"`, `"boolean"`, `"date"`, or null (do not parse the field)). * For example, `"parse": {"modified_on": "date"}` parses the `modified_on` field in each input record a Date value. * * For `"date"`, we parse data based using Javascript's [`Date.parse()`]( * For Specific date formats can be provided (e.g., `{foo: "date:'%m%d%Y'"}`), using the [d3-time-format syntax]( UTC date format parsing is supported similarly (e.g., `{foo: "utc:'%m%d%Y'"}`). See more about [UTC time]( */ parse?: Parse | null;
/** * Type of input data: `"json"`, `"csv"`, `"tsv"`, `"dsv"`. * * __Default value:__ The default format type is determined by the extension of the file URL. * If no extension is detected, `"json"` will be used by default. */ type?: 'csv' | 'tsv' | 'dsv' | 'json' | 'topojson';}
export interface CsvDataFormat extends DataFormatBase { type?: 'csv' | 'tsv';}
export interface DsvDataFormat extends DataFormatBase { type?: 'dsv';
/** * The delimiter between records. The delimiter must be a single character (i.e., a single 16-bit code unit); so, ASCII delimiters are fine, but emoji delimiters are not. * * @minLength 1 * @maxLength 1 */ delimiter: string;}
export interface JsonDataFormat extends DataFormatBase { type?: 'json'; /** * The JSON property containing the desired data. * This parameter can be used when the loaded JSON file may have surrounding structure or meta-data. * For example `"property": "values.features"` is equivalent to retrieving `json.values.features` * from the loaded JSON object. */ property?: string;}
export interface TopoDataFormat extends DataFormatBase { type?: 'topojson'; /** * The name of the TopoJSON object set to convert to a GeoJSON feature collection. * For example, in a map of the world, there may be an object set named `"countries"`. * Using the feature property, we can extract this set and generate a GeoJSON feature object for each country. */ feature?: string; /** * The name of the TopoJSON object set to convert to mesh. * Similar to the `feature` option, `mesh` extracts a named TopoJSON object set. * Unlike the `feature` option, the corresponding geo data is returned as a single, unified mesh instance, not as individual GeoJSON features. * Extracting a mesh is useful for more efficiently drawing borders or other geographic elements that you do not need to associate with specific regions such as individual countries, states or counties. */ mesh?: string;}
export type DataFormat = CsvDataFormat | DsvDataFormat | JsonDataFormat | TopoDataFormat;
export type DataFormatType = 'json' | 'csv' | 'tsv' | 'dsv' | 'topojson';
export type DataSource = UrlData | InlineData | NamedData;
export type Data = DataSource | Generator;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-typesexport type InlineDataset = number[] | string[] | boolean[] | object[] | string | object;
export interface DataBase { /** * An object that specifies the format for parsing the data. */ format?: DataFormat; /** * Provide a placeholder name and bind data at runtime. */ name?: string;}
export interface UrlData extends DataBase { /** * An URL from which to load the data set. Use the `format.type` property * to ensure the loaded data is correctly parsed. */ url: string;}
export interface InlineData extends DataBase { /** * The full data set, included inline. This can be an array of objects or primitive values, an object, or a string. * Arrays of primitive values are ingested as objects with a `data` property. Strings are parsed according to the specified format type. */ values: InlineDataset;}
export interface NamedData extends DataBase { /** * Provide a placeholder name and bind data at runtime. */ name: string;}
export function isUrlData(data: Partial<Data> | Partial<VgData>): data is UrlData { return 'url' in data;}
export function isInlineData(data: Partial<Data> | Partial<VgData>): data is InlineData { return 'values' in data;}
export function isNamedData(data: Partial<Data> | Partial<VgData>): data is NamedData { return 'name' in data && !isUrlData(data) && !isInlineData(data) && !isGenerator(data);}
export function isGenerator(data: Partial<Data> | Partial<VgData>): data is Generator { return data && (isSequenceGenerator(data) || isSphereGenerator(data) || isGraticuleGenerator(data));}
export function isSequenceGenerator(data: Partial<Data> | Partial<VgData>): data is SequenceGenerator { return 'sequence' in data;}
export function isSphereGenerator(data: Partial<Data> | Partial<VgData>): data is SphereGenerator { return 'sphere' in data;}
export function isGraticuleGenerator(data: Partial<Data> | Partial<VgData>): data is GraticuleGenerator { return 'graticule' in data;}
export enum DataSourceType { Raw, Main, Row, Column, Lookup}
export type Generator = SequenceGenerator | SphereGenerator | GraticuleGenerator;
export interface GeneratorBase { /** * Provide a placeholder name and bind data at runtime. */ name?: string;}
export interface SequenceGenerator extends GeneratorBase { /** * Generate a sequence of numbers. */ sequence: SequenceParams;}
export interface SequenceParams { /** * The starting value of the sequence (inclusive). */ start: number; /** * The ending value of the sequence (exclusive). */ stop: number; /** * The step value between sequence entries. * * __Default value:__ `1` */ step?: number;
/** * The name of the generated sequence field. * * __Default value:__ `"data"` */ as?: FieldName;}
export interface SphereGenerator extends GeneratorBase { /** * Generate sphere GeoJSON data for the full globe. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types sphere: true | {};}
export interface GraticuleGenerator extends GeneratorBase { /** * Generate graticule GeoJSON data for geographic reference lines. */ graticule: true | GraticuleParams;}
export interface GraticuleParams { /** * The major extent of the graticule as a two-element array of coordinates. */ extentMajor?: Vector2<Vector2<number>>;
/** * The minor extent of the graticule as a two-element array of coordinates. */ extentMinor?: Vector2<Vector2<number>>;
/** * Sets both the major and minor extents to the same values. */ extent?: Vector2<Vector2<number>>;
/** * The major step angles of the graticule. * * * __Default value:__ `[90, 360]` */ stepMajor?: Vector2<number>;
/** * The minor step angles of the graticule. * * __Default value:__ `[10, 10]` */ stepMinor?: Vector2<number>;
/** * Sets both the major and minor step angles to the same values. */ step?: Vector2<number>;
/** * The precision of the graticule in degrees. * * __Default value:__ `2.5` */ precision?: number;}