

This is a library that can read/write tibia .OTBM files.
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import { TreeTraverser } from './lib/bytes/TreeTraverser.ts';import type { IOTBMVersionInfo } from './types.d.ts';
import type { RootNode } from './lib/RootNode.ts';
export class OTBMReader { private _treeTraverser : TreeTraverser | undefined;
public setOTBM(bytes : Uint8Array){ this._treeTraverser = new TreeTraverser(bytes); }
public getVersionInfo() : IOTBMVersionInfo { if (this._treeTraverser !== undefined){ const oldPos = this._treeTraverser.position; const version = this._treeTraverser.escapeReadUint32LE(6); this._treeTraverser.escapeReadUint16LE(); this._treeTraverser.escapeReadUint16LE(); const itemMinorVersion = this._treeTraverser.escapeReadUint32LE(); const itemMajorVersion = this._treeTraverser.escapeReadUint32LE(); this._treeTraverser.position = oldPos; return { version, itemMajorVersion, itemMinorVersion }; } else { throw NoOTBMBufferError(); } }
public getMapWidth() : number { if (this._treeTraverser !== undefined){ const oldPos = this._treeTraverser.position; const width = this._treeTraverser.escapeReadUint16LE(10); this._treeTraverser.position = oldPos; return width; }else{ throw NoOTBMBufferError(); } }
public getMapHeight() : number { if (this._treeTraverser !== undefined){ const oldPos = this._treeTraverser.position; const height = this._treeTraverser.escapeReadUint16LE(12); this._treeTraverser.position = oldPos; return height; }else{ throw NoOTBMBufferError(); } }
public getNodeTree() : RootNode { if (this._treeTraverser !== undefined){ try { do { this._treeTraverser.readNextNode(); } while(this._treeTraverser.position < this._treeTraverser.byteLength) }catch(err){ throw err; }
if (this._treeTraverser.stack.length > 0){ this._treeTraverser.position = 0; return this._treeTraverser.stack[0] as RootNode; }else{ this._treeTraverser.position = 0; throw TreeParseError(); } }else{ throw NoOTBMBufferError(); } }}
function NoOTBMBufferError() : Error { const err : any = new Error('You need to set the OTBM buffer with the setOTBM method first.'); err.code = 'NO_OTBM_BUF'; return err;}
function TreeParseError() : Error { const err : any = new Error('Failed to parse & create the tree. At end of parse no RootNode in stack.'); err.code = 'NO_ROOT_PARSE_ERR'; return err;}