

Update Deno Dependencies - update dependency urls to their latest published versions
Very Popular
// deno -A main.ts deps.ts --test="deno test"
import { colors, expandGlob, parseArgs } from "./deps.ts";import { udd, UddOptions, UddResult } from "./mod.ts";import { DenoLand } from "./registry.ts";
function testsThunk(tests: string[]): () => Promise<void> { return async () => { for (const t of tests) { // FIXME is there a better way to split / pass arrays? // This fails if you wanted to pass e.g. --foo="a b" const p ={ cmd: t.split(" "), stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped", }); const success = (await p.status()).success; if (!success) { console.log(); await Deno.stdout.write(await p.stderrOutput()); } // This close handling cleans up resouces but is not required... p.close(); p.stdout!.close(); p.stderr!.close(); if (!success) { throw new Error(t); } } };}
function help() { console.log(`usage: udd [-h] [--dry-run] [--test TEST] file [file ...]
udd: Update Deno Dependencies
Positional arguments: file \tfiles to update dependencies
Optional arguments: -h, --help \tshow this help text --dry-run \ttest what dependencies can be updated --test TEST\tcommand to run after each dependency update e.g. "deno test" --upgrade \tupdate udd to the latest version --version \tprint the version of udd`);}
function version() { // FIXME this might be kinda a hacky way to do it... const u = new DenoLand(import.meta.url); try { console.log(u.version()); } catch (e) { console.error(e); }}
// function spawn(args: string[], cwd?: string): Promise<string> { const process ={ cmd: args, cwd, stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped", }); const { code } = await process.status(); if (code === 0) { const rawOutput = await process.output(); process.close(); return new TextDecoder().decode(rawOutput); } else { const error = new TextDecoder().decode(await process.stderrOutput()); process.close(); throw new Error(error); }}
async function upgrade() { const u = new DenoLand(""); const latestVersion = (await u.all())[0]; const url =; console.log(url);
// TODO support alternative name to udd if that's what's been used before. await spawn([Deno.execPath(), "install", "--reload", "-qAfn", "udd", url]);}
async function main(args: string[]) { const a = parseArgs(args, { boolean: ["dry-run", "h", "help", "upgrade", "version"], });
if (a.h || { return help(); } if (a.upgrade) { return await upgrade(); } if (a.version) { return version(); }
const depFiles: string[] = []; for (const arg of => x.toString())) { for await (const file of expandGlob(arg)) { depFiles.push(file.path); } }
if (depFiles.length === 0) { help(); Deno.exit(1); }
let tests: string[] = []; if (a.test instanceof Array) { tests = a.test; } else if (a.test) { tests = [a.test as string]; }
const thunk = testsThunk(tests); try { await thunk(); } catch { console.error("Tests failed prior to updating any dependencies"), ); Deno.exit(1); }
// TODO verbosity/quiet argument? const options: UddOptions = { dryRun: a["dry-run"], test: thunk };
const results: UddResult[] = []; for (const [i, fn] of depFiles.entries()) { if (i !== 0) console.log(); console.log(colors.yellow(fn)); results.push(...await udd(fn, options)); }
// TODO perhaps a table would be a nicer output?
const alreadyLatest = results.filter((x) => x.message === undefined); if (alreadyLatest.length > 0) { console.log(colors.bold("\nAlready latest version:")); for (const a of alreadyLatest) { console.log(colors.dim(a.initUrl), "==", a.initVersion); } }
const successes = results.filter((x) => x.success === true); if (successes.length > 0) { console.log( colors.bold( options.dryRun ? "\nAble to update:" : "\nSuccessfully updated:", ), ); for (const s of successes) { console.log(, s.initVersion, "->", s.message); } }
const failures = results.filter((x) => x.success === false); if (failures.length > 0) { console.log( colors.bold( options.dryRun ? "\nUnable to update:" : "\nFailed to update:", ), ); for (const f of failures) { console.log(, f.initVersion, "->", f.message); } Deno.exit(1); }}
if (import.meta.main) { await main(Deno.args);}