

Update Deno Dependencies - update dependency urls to their latest published versions
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import { decode, encode, colors } from "./deps.ts";import { Progress, SilentProgress } from "./progress.ts";import { importUrls } from "./search.ts";import { Semver, fragment, semver } from "./semver.ts";import { REGISTRIES, RegistryUrl, lookup } from "./registry.ts";
// FIXME we should catch ctrl-c etc. and write back the original deps.ts
export async function udd( filename: string, options: UddOptions): Promise<UddResult[]> { const u = new Udd(filename, options); return await;}
export interface UddOptions { // don't permanently edit files dryRun?: boolean; // don't print progress messages quiet?: boolean; // if this function errors then the update is reverted test?: () => Promise<void>;
_registries?: any[];}
export interface UddResult { initUrl: string; initVersion: string; newVersion?: string; success?: boolean;}
export class Udd { private filename: string; private test: () => Promise<void>; private options: UddOptions; private progress: Progress; private registries: any[];
constructor( filename: string, options: UddOptions ) { this.filename = filename; this.options = options; this.registries = options._registries || REGISTRIES; this.test = options.test || (async () => undefined); this.progress = options.quiet ? new SilentProgress(1) : new Progress(1); }
async content(): Promise<string> { return decode(await Deno.readFile(this.filename)); }
async run(): Promise<UddResult[]> { const content: string = await this.content();
const urls: string[] = importUrls(content, this.registries); this.progress.n = urls.length;
// from a url we need to extract the current version const results: UddResult[] = []; for (const [i, u] of urls.entries()) { this.progress.step = i; const v = lookup(u, this.registries); if (v !== undefined) { results.push(await this.update(v!)); } } return results; }
async update( url: RegistryUrl ): Promise<UddResult> { const initVersion = url.version(); await this.progress.log(`Looking for releases: ${url.url}`); const versions = await url.all();
// for now, let's pick the most recent! let newVersion = versions[0];
// if we pass a fragment with semver let filter: ((other: Semver) => boolean) | undefined = undefined; try { filter = fragment(url.url, url.version()); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof SyntaxError) { return { initUrl: url.url, initVersion, success: false, newVersion: e.message }; } else { throw e; } } // potentially we can shortcut if fragment is #=${url.version()}... if (filter !== undefined) { const compatible: string[] = => x !== undefined ).map(x => x!).filter(filter).map(x => x.version); if (compatible.length === 0) { return { initUrl: url.url, initVersion, success: false, newVersion: "no compatible version found" }; } newVersion = compatible[0]; }
if (initVersion === newVersion) { await this.progress.log(`Using latest: ${url.url}`); return { initUrl: url.url, initVersion }; }
await this.progress.log(`Attempting update: ${url.url} -> ${newVersion}`); const failed: boolean = await this.maybeReplace(url, newVersion); const msg = failed ? "failed" : "successful"; await this.progress.log(`Update ${msg}: ${url.url} -> ${newVersion}`); return { initUrl: url.url, initVersion, newVersion, success: !failed }; }
async maybeReplace( url: RegistryUrl, newVersion: string ): Promise<boolean> { const newUrl =; await this.replace(url, newUrl);
const failed = await this.test().then(_ => false).catch(_ => true); if (failed || this.options.dryRun) { await this.replace(newUrl, url); } return failed; }
async replace(url: RegistryUrl, newUrl: RegistryUrl) { const content = await this.content(); const newContent = content.split(url.url).join(newUrl.url); await Deno.writeFile(this.filename, encode(newContent)); }}