

Update Deno Dependencies - update dependency urls to their latest published versions
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import { decode, encode } from "./deps.ts";import { importUrls } from "./search.ts";import { versioned, Versioned } from "./versioned.ts";
// FIXME we should catch ctrl-c etc. and write back the original deps.ts
export async function update( filename: string, test: () => Promise<boolean>): Promise<void> { const u = new Update(filename, test); await u.update();}
export class Update { private filename: string; private test: () => Promise<boolean>;
constructor(filename: string, test: () => Promise<boolean>) { this.filename = filename; this.test = test; }
async update(): Promise<void> { // first we test the thunk works prior to updatng... if (await this.test()) { console.error("Tests failed prior to update"); Deno.exit(1); }
const content: string = await this.content(); // decode(await Deno.readFile(filename));
const urls: string[] = importUrls(content);
// from a url we need to extract the current version for (const u of urls) { const v = versioned(u); if (v !== undefined) { await this.updateOne(v!); } } // TODO count the imports that were updated }
async updateOne( url: Versioned ): Promise<void> { // now we look up the available versions const versions = await url.all(); console.log("current version:", url.current()); console.log("available versions:", versions);
// TODO: options: try latest, semver compat, or input // pick a new version (should be in for loop?) // i.e. rety or skip if fails
// for now, let's pick the most recent! const newVersion = versions[0]; if (url.current() === newVersion) { return; } const fails: boolean = await this.updateIfTestPasses(url, newVersion); }
async updateIfTestPasses( url: Versioned, newVersion: string ): Promise<boolean> { const newUrl =; console.log("Updating to", newUrl.url); await this.replace(url, newUrl);
console.log("Running tests..."); if (await this.test()) { console.log("Test failed, reverting."); await this.replace(newUrl, url); return true; } else { console.log("Test passed."); return false; } }
async content(): Promise<string> { return decode(await Deno.readFile(this.filename)); }
async replace(url: Versioned, newUrl: Versioned) { const content = await this.content(); const newContent = content.split(url.url).join(newUrl.url); await Deno.writeFile(this.filename, encode(newContent)); }}